Cleansing in the Blood (Canaan Melodies #32)

A very rare hymn - only published in one hymnal, "Canaan Melodies"! This is a catchy two-step song which celebrates the blood that cleanses and sanctifies our souls. What a joyful song - I'm sure it will get stuck in your head! J. Glenn Gould wrote a few songs in this manual, all with a similar sound and theme.


1 Oft I’ve struggled with my sinful nature
Satan almost gained the victory
But at once I looked to Christ my Saviour,
There was cleansing in the blood for me!

There is cleansing in the blood for me
From indwelling sin I now am free
Jesus sanctifies my soul, I am every whit made whole
There is cleansing in the blood for me

2 Satan fought my ev’ry moment forward
Said I never would from sin be free
But the precious blood availed, hallelujah!
There was cleansing in the blood for me! [Refrain]

3 I am trav’ling on the blessed highway
Where the children of the Lord are free
On the “way within the way” I’m walking,
And there’s cleansing in the blood for me! [Refrain]

4 Now my heart with joy is running over
I’m so glad that I can say I’m free
Yes, the Saviour sanctifies me wholly
There is cleansing in the blood for me! [Refrain]

There is cleansing in the blood for thee
From indwelling sin you may be free
Jesus sanctifies the soul, He can every whit make whole
There is cleansing in the blood for thee


The Child of a King (Canaan Melodies #31)