Friday Classic Hymns

On Fridays I take an old classic hymn, tell the story behind it, analyze the lyrics and then sing it! Select one below and may you be blessed as you watch.

If you’d like to listen to the songs without the history and lyrics exposition, check out my Classic Hymns Volume 1 album.

Friday Classic Hymns Luke Powell Friday Classic Hymns Luke Powell

Jesus Paid it All

A sermon that made Elvina Hall’s mind wander, and a new tune by musician John Grape, came together to form one the great hymns about the price Jesus paid for our sins. How wonderful that we don’t have to pay our way to God, because Jesus has already done so.

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Friday Classic Hymns Luke Powell Friday Classic Hymns Luke Powell

The Old, Old Story

A double feature today as we look at two hymns inspired by Katherine Hankey's lovely poem about "The old old story of Jesus and His love". Perhaps you are familiar with "Tell Me the Old Old Story" or perhaps you know "I Love To Tell the Story". Both come from her writing, written in the worst period of her life.

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Friday Classic Hymns Luke Powell Friday Classic Hymns Luke Powell

The Solid Rock (My Hope is Built on Nothing Less)

From a young man who knew nothing of God to writing one of Christianity's most beloved hymns - discover the inspiring story behind "The Solid Rock" (also known as "My Hope is Built on Nothing Less"). Edward Mote's powerful message of finding hope in Christ alone began touching lives before it was even published, and continues to inspire believers today.

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Friday Classic Hymns Luke Powell Friday Classic Hymns Luke Powell

Shall We Gather at the River?

Rev Robert Lowry was struck one day by how hymn-writers wrote much about the 'river of death' that we have to cross, but little about the 'river of life' described in Revelation 22. He never really liked the song he ended up writing - but the rest of the world seemed to love it and became a favorite!

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Friday Classic Hymns Luke Powell Friday Classic Hymns Luke Powell

Love Lifted Me

A classic hymn that celebrates God's saving love, lifting us out of our sea of sin and bringing us safely to shore. Not much is known about the man who wrote the song, except that he wrote many hymns including this wonderful song of grace. Popular evangelists of the 20th century used his song extensively to bring home their message of God's offer for salvation.

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