Canaan Melodies
In 2023 I discovered the old hymnal of the Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene from 1914.
I so enjoyed these powerful songs of worship and holiness that I started recording them.
You can listen to them free on YouTube below.
If you’d like to support the work I put into these songs, you can stream the albums
or purchase the digital download on my online store.
Canaan Melodies Vol. 1 (songs 1-16):
on YouTube Music here,
on Spotify here,
on Apple Music here
Canaan Melodies Vol. 2 (songs 17-32):
on YouTube Music here,
on Spotify here,
on Apple Music here
Cleansing in the Blood (Canaan Melodies #32)
A very rare hymn - only published in one hymnal, "Canaan Melodies"! This is a catchy two-step song which celebrates the blood that cleanses and sanctifies our souls. What a joyful song - I'm sure it will get stuck in your head! J. Glenn Gould wrote a few songs in this manual, all with a similar sound and theme.
The Child of a King (Canaan Melodies #31)
A classic hymn which celebrates our place as God's children, heirs to his wondrous spiritual riches and a home on high.
The Comforter Has Come! (Canaan Melodies #30)
A powerful ballad from the old Nazarene hymnal about the Holy Spirit. Great song for Pentecost!
Keep On Believing (Canaan Melodies #26)
This is a rare holiness tune by an old Nazarene writer and pastor J. Glenn Gould. This song proclaims the 'second blessing' of sanctification and compares it to the Israelites' crossing the river Jordan to the promised land by faith.
Joy to the World (Canaan Melodies #25)
The first Christmas hymn in the Nazarene "Canaan Melodies" hymnal! This Isaac Watts classic reminds us that the Saviour who came now reigns, and makes his blessings and love flow.
Lift Up the Banner (Canaan Melodies #24)
A great old holiness tune by none other than Lelia Morris (who wrote 'Holiness Unto the Lord'). This song calls us to keep the banner of holiness proudly flying. A rousing anthem for all churches, reminding us of our great call to proclaim full and free salvation to all!
The Firm Foundation (Canaan Melodies #23)
The great old holiness writer Lelia Morris (famous for writing "Holiness Unto the Lord") penned this marvelous song about always being ready to serve or go where God send”.
Fitted For Service (Canaan Melodies #22)
The great old holiness writer Lelia Morris (famous for writing "Holiness Unto the Lord") penned this marvelous song about always being ready to serve or go where God sends.
Marching to Glory hymn (Canaan Melodies #21)
An upbeat song about spiritual warfare is the next Canaan Melody from the old 1914 Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene hymnal. Great words here about being redeemed and freed by Jesus, and going to tell his salvation all over the world as we march to glory! Enjoy and be inspired by this one.
Shall We Gather at the River hymn (Canaan Melodies #20)
Song 20 in the old 1914 Nazarene hymnal is the classic hymn by Rev. Robert Lowrey based on Revelation 22:1-12, looking ahead to the day when we "gather with the saints at the river that flows by the throne of God". A wonderful song of hope for us as we await that day!
Is it the Crowning Day? (Canaan Melodies #19)
Song 19 is the Canaan Melodies hymnal is a wistful hymn about longing for Jesus to come again. It reminds of how my Gran would look into the skies and say “is today the day, Lord?” But the song reminds us too that while we wait for Him, we must be faithful and tell of his love.
Entire Consecration - Take My Life and Let it Be (Canaan Melodies #18)
Frances Ridley Havergal's famous poem of consecration made it into the Church of the Nazarene's 1914 "Canaan Melodies" hymnal. This version includes a refrain written by the great hymnwriter William J Kirkpatrick. I changed the beat a little to give it an upbeat pop-rock feel, with the help of my CrossRoad bandmates. Hope this will inspire you to make your entire consecration to the Lord!
Contentment (Canaan Melodies #17)
This upbeat song of thankful praise will surely get you in a good mood today, singing "hallelujah, hallelujah, I am walking in His presence satisfied!" The CrossRoad guys join me to really rock it. Be blessed in His name as you listen.
Royal Telephone (Canaan Melodies #16)
I imagine this song was so exciting when it came out at the turn of the century - comparing prayer to a telephone line to heaven! The words still ring true today: God's line is always open for us to talk with Him.
Is Not This the Land of Beulah?(Canaan Melodies #15)
This song I didn't know. It equates the sanctified life with the land of Beulah prophesied in Isaiah - a "blessed blessed land of light, where the flowers bloom forever and the sun is always bright"! There are great words in here about handling life's struggles with faith too. I have come to really love singing this!
Saved to the Uttermost (Canaan Melodies #14)
A lovely holiness song! Based on Hebrews 7:25 - "he is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him" - this song is very easy to sing and celebrates God's full salvation in our lives. It reminds me a little of "Blessed Assurance" in its feel. I think it would work well in our churches today still.
Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus (Canaan Melodies #13)
Song 13 in the Church of the Nazarene's 1914 "Canaan Melodies" hymnal is a favourite for many. A sweet and happy song about trusting Jesus. I tried an a capella style based on Billy Joel's "The Longest Time".
When Love Shines In (Canaan Melodies #12)
A great upbeat song about the effect of God's love in the heart of a person. What great words! I kept the melody the same but changed the time signature from a waltz to an upbeat 4/4 - it seemed happier this way!
Home of the Soul (Canaan Melodies #11)
A wonderful old hymn about the joys that await in heaven. Much of the imagery is taken from Revelation 21 and 22 - jasper walls, trees of life bearing fruit, the river flowing from the throne, Jesus holding our crowns in his hands. Wonderful stuff, and a beautiful wistful melody. This one will speak to your soul!
Jesus Saves (Canaan Melodies #10)
This is a stunning hymn about the saving grace of Jesus! My bandmates and I gave it a real mellow acoustic feel.