King Hezekiah Admitting We Need Help

King Hezekiah spreads out his problems before God, as we saw yesterday, and I hope you too have taken the time to go to God in prayer with your problems.

Hezekiah’s prayer is an interesting one. Listen to what he says in verses 17-18: “It is true, LORD, that the Assyrian kings have laid waste these nations and their lands. They have thrown their gods into the fire and destroyed them, for they were not gods but only wood and stone, fashioned by human hands.”

Hezekiah's Realism: Balancing Faith with Acknowledging Challenges

I must say, this took me by surprise! The fact that Hezekiah acknowledged the power of his enemy surprised me. In my mind I thought he was just going to laugh them off and say “God is greater”. Well, he does admit God’s greatness, as we’ll see tomorrow, but he doesn’t pretend that the situation isn’t serious.

I think there’s a misconception among certain Christians that we need to just shrug off our difficulties as if they’re nothing. That we’re supposed to be so strong in our faith that we just laugh at enemies and troubles because our faith is so much greater. Not, I’m not denying the power of our faith, but I want us to note that Hezekiah didn’t deny the seriousness of the situation. And I think this is what gave him the ability to handle it – he saw things the way they were, and didn’t pretend everything was ok.

Embracing Reality: Confronting Life's Challenges

Are you perhaps pretending everything is ok? Are you in the habit of shrugging things off instead of acknowledging in prayer (and to other Christians) the seriousness of what you are facing?

Here’s the thing: how can we expect God to do anything great if we keep telling him that nothing too difficult is coming against us? How can we expect victory in this life if we are denying that there’s even an enemy that needs fighting against?

Of course, some people take this too far. Some people make mountains out of molehills, as they say. I’m not suggesting we do that. But I am suggesting we be honest enough to say to God in our prayers, I’m in trouble here. I need help. The enemy is strong, and I am weak.

Don’t pretend all is ok when you need help, friends. Go to God in honest prayer about the state you’re in, and plead for his help like Hezekiah did. It is this sort of honest prayer that puts us in the position to receive the power and healing that God has in store for us.


Declaring God’s greatness


“Spreading out” your problems before God