Adoring Him

A very merry and blessed Christmas to you my friends! May it be a special day in which, to borrow the words of an old Christmas carol, you adore Him, Christ the Lord.

Adoration is not so much an act of the mouth or hands. Adoration is an attitude of the heart. Adoring Jesus means loving Him more than anybody, and making it known! It’s making Him "high and lifted up" not just in song, but in our hearts and in our lives.

The Truly Adorable One

Babies are often called "adorable." Every baby is adorable, in fact. But this baby today is adorable in a whole different way. He's adorable not so much just for being a cutie pie, but because everything in Him reflects God the Father.

Years after Jesus’ birth Paul would write this about this same little adorable boy: "The Son is the image of the invisible God... in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and in Christ you have been brought to fullness." (Colossians 1:15, 2:9-10)

The Greatest Mystery

How wonderful! Jesus is God incarnate! God in the flesh! Today let’s think of the manger, and bow in adoration. Because when Jesus came to earth, He was the very perfect image of God clothed in a human form! An absolutely mind-boggling thing to happen!

An author named Crichton once said: "The death of Christ is a great mystery; but His birth is even a greater. That He should live a human life at all, is stranger than that, so living, He should die a human death. I can scarce get past His cradle in my wondering, to wonder at His cross. The infant Jesus is, in some views, a greater marvel than Jesus with the purple robe and the crown of thorns."

We can only adore. We can only marvel at this God who loved us so that He sent His son to become one with us.

Friends, the lights and the songs and the presents of today will be a distant memory in only few weeks’ time. But if you will spend today with Immanuel at the centre, and with Him being born not just 2000 years ago in a stable, but being born in your heart and abiding within you, your joy will remain.

Merry Christmas! And God be with you and yours in a special way on this holy day.


Pause and Rest


Not Recognizing Him