Angelic Choirs

Here's another way we can make this a Christian Christmas. It's by bringing choirs of angels to the church, and not just in heaven.

In Luke chapter two, we see a great company of the heavenly host praising God and saying “Glory to God in the highest heaven!” And then they leave and off they go into heaven as the shepherds watch all of this. And that really must have been something to experience.

Reviving Worship Culture

There's this picture in Revelation of all the Saints that have gone before us, joining with the angels and singing praises to God. We're looking forward to joining that heavenly host one day. But in the meantime, friends, our churches should be places that are filled with angelic choirs, with groups of people singing God's praise and proclaiming glory to God and his peace on earth.

Are we going to be singing, worshipping people this Christmas?  As great as it would be to witness a bunch of angels up in the air singing, you know what would be a stronger witness? For the people of God on earth to sing his praise with heart.

We're not really a singing culture anymore - the Western culture at least. We tend to prefer performance music that we can listen to. In previous generations, a lot of people could read music and most people would learn how to sing because there were lots of sing-alongs everywhere they went. But in our time it's not really the case.

And that's a chance for the church to stand out. This is a place where we go to sing together. This is a place where we go and lift up our voices as one and worship God Most High.

Songs of Praise

Are you going to fill your home and your car and your church with the sound of praise and worship to the God of all creation this Christmas? Is your heart going to be singing words of praise wherever you go?

You know, there's Christmas music in all our shops this time of year, but it's pointless. You know, “chestnuts roasting on an open fire” and “have yourself a merry little Christmas” and stuff like that. Again, it's about festivity instead of the Holy Spirit. If we can sing songs that celebrate Jesus this Christmas, then we will surely have a Christian Christmas and not just a culturally festive Christmas.

So may it be that you and I fill our lives with songs of praise so that the earth and not just the heavens roar with the praises of the Saviour this Christmas.


His Coming... Again


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