Bill Wilson Explorer

As I read this book about Bill Wilson, I certainly got a sense of how a simple, humble life can be the most satisfying. Here's what he said in his diary on page 71: "A happy life is not built up of tours abroad and pleasant holidays, but of little clumps of violets noticed by the roadside hidden away almost so that only those who have God's peace and love in their hearts can see them. A happy life is found in one long, continuous chain of little joys. Little whispers from the spiritual world, little gleams of sunshine on our daily work." And then he says, "So long as I have stuck to nature and the New Testament, I've only got happier and happier every day."

No Prosperity Gospel

I think there's a danger in a lot of today's teaching that more is better. There's a danger in the type of prosperity gospel teaching that says “God wants you to have more. He wants you to have bigger, better stuff and huge, amazing experiences.” And of course, those are amazing gifts that we should be grateful for.

But I wonder how often we hang on to try to see some sort of massive, big blessing in our lives, and we miss the great joys of the small things. I wonder how many blessings you've missed already this morning or today just because your eyes weren't open to see them!

Childlike Wonder

In fact, this says something towards Jesus teaching on childlike faith. Jesus taught that we need to receive the Kingdom of God like a child and I almost feel that that's what Wilson is getting at here, because children are amazed at the smallest things. Children are overjoyed at small but wonderful things in their lives. And then they grow older, like you and I. And our hearts get hardened and we end up missing the joys around us.

And so perhaps, as Wilson said, you've had one long continuous chain of little joys around you in your life and you've missed them. Will you pray today that God will open your eyes to the small blessings? Will you pray that God will change your heart to not simply wait for the big, great, huge, adventurous things, but would you pray that he'd open your mind and your heart to be overjoyed and amazed by even the small things like a flower or a butterfly or the sunrise?

Be assured - a happier life awaits for those who find joy in small things.


The Power of a Smile


Using Our Time Wisely