Bumping Self Off-Centre

Bumping Self Off-Centre

The other day I heard a song that started with the words “Jesus, Jesus, what's it all about?” And that made me think of a book that I read a few years back by Max Lucado. By the way, if you ever want to read a great Christian book, you can always trust in a Max Lucado book to speak the truth in a warm and lovely way.

He wrote a book called It’s Not About Me - Rescued from the Life We Thought Would Make Us Happy. This is one of my favorite books, and I hope that the thoughts I share from it this week will encourage you to go and get this book and read it.

Lucado's Analogy: God as the Center of Our Souls

Lucado starts his book with a chapter called Bumping Life Off Center. And he says “What Copernicus did for the Earth, God does for our souls.” What does that mean?

Copernicus was the guy who discovered that the universe doesn't revolve around the Earth. Up until he came along in the 1500s, that's what everybody thought. That we here on Earth were the center of the universe, literally! With all the planets and stars rotating around us. Copernicus discovered that the sun is the center of the solar system.

So when Lucado says what Copernicus did for the Earth, God does for our souls - God bumped us off center and reminded us that the Son - Jesus, the Son of God - is the center of the universe, and our lives revolve around him.

And we could see ourselves in the moon actually. The moon doesn't have any light of its own, but if it's positioned correctly, the moon shines because the light of the sun reflects off of it.

Living a God-Centered Life: Reflecting the Light of Jesus

What's it all about, friends? Our lives are all about being properly positioned so that the light of the Son of God reflects off of us.

I pray that you and I will get bumped off center and that instead of us being the center of our own universes, we will see that Jesus must be the center of our lives.

And what we are called to do is reflect his light. Will you do that today? Seek to reflect the light of Jesus in all you do. A self-centred life doesn't work, but a God-centered life works like a charm.


Your Suffering is About God


Serve God!