Dealing With Disappointment

One of the great early Nazarene preachers and pastors was a man named Bud Robinson – or, as he was affectionately known, Uncle Bud.

Recently I read a great biography of his by Basil Miller called Bud Robinson – Miracle of Grace, which is free to download online.

Uncle Bud was very much loved and respected, and despite his lack of formal education became one of the great preachers of his time in America.

Divine Appointment Shift

He had a real way with words, and this week I’d like to share some wonderful quotes of his which just lifted my heart as I read them. They come from a book of his called Sunshine and Smiles. Here’s the first one, he said: “The way to make a success of life when you meet with a disappointment is just drop the letter “d” and put “h” instead, and then see what it spells - H-I-S A-P-P-O-I-N-T-M-E-N-T.”

I loved that! I thought that was very profound. When you’re facing a disappointment, drop the d and put in an h to remind yourself that even this moment is His appointment. God has appointed you to face even this challenge, and he will help you through it.

The Bible is full of people facing disappointments. I suppose the greatest example of this is the disciples looking at the cross of Jesus, just crushed with disappointment at what they were seeing. But they came to realise that it was His appointment – that God’s plan was unfolding in a mysterious way, even in their disappointment, and so they could still trust in Him.

Perhaps you need to hear this today. Perhaps you are facing a disappointment right now, and you feel really upset that what you wanted or what you thought would happen has not come to pass. Perhaps you’re struggling with why things have turned out the way they have. Can you take this advice from Uncle Bud today, and see your disappointment and His appointment – God’s appointment?

God's Purpose Revealed

In fact there’s this wonderful verse in Genesis that talks of this. Joseph has reconciled with the brothers who sold him as a slave, but when their father dies, the brothers think he is now going to destroy them in revenge. But we read this in Genesis 50:19-20 “But Joseph said to them, “Don’t be afraid. Am I in the place of God? You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. So then, don’t be afraid.”

Joseph realised that what he thought was a disappointment – his being sold into slavery – turned out to be God’s appointment for Him to achieve wonderful things.

Whatever disappointments you are facing, recognize them today as His appointments. And walk on in faith that God will use it all for His good purposes in the end!


True Fortunes


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