Driving in Convoy

So there I was with this huge storm cloud. I was coming closer to it. It seemed to be coming closer to me. Drops started to fall. The wind started to beat against the car.

And you know what's really freaked me out? And maybe this is a uniquely South African problem, I'm not sure, but none of the other drivers seem to really care. Man, they went berserk. There were drivers swerving in and out of lanes. There were people driving ridiculous speeds. Nobody really seemed to be cautious.

In fact, I remember this car came almost out of nowhere, barreling past me and sped off into the distance. And, you know, I thought to myself, let me keep away from that guy, because the last thing I need is to be close to him. When the roads get wet, he's going to surely cause an accident.

Recognizing Dangerous Influences

And again, this became a bit of a metaphor for me as I was driving along. I thought, you know, there are people in this life who are really on a dangerous road, who are living recklessly. I don't want to be swept up with them and in the end crash and burn.

The Bible says a lot about staying away from people who will take you away from God. And I wonder if you need to hear this, maybe there's somebody who is leading you down the wrong path. Maybe there's a toxic relationship that you're in that you should cut off and you know you should, but you're just hanging on. Will you let that person go? Let them get ahead of you. Let them go on their own way and you stay on the right road. I don't know, maybe you need to take that lesson today.

Choosing Wisdom in Life's Journey

On the other hand, I thought about times when I've driven in convoy. Often when CrossRoad goes and travels to a church outside of the province, we'll go in two or three cars and we'll all go together. And there's a certain safety in driving along with others, even if they are in their own car, but you're looking out for each other, you're on the road together. And I think you end up driving a little more cautiously and carefully because somebody else is on the road with you.

On the journey of life it's good to travel in convoy with others. Yes, stay away from those who are leading you down dangerous roads and causing you to be reckless. But find some fellow drivers who you can get in convoy with.

This is something I've missed this year, as I haven't been in a church. Now I'm starting at this new church, I'm so excited to get in convoy with people again on the road of life.

And so may you find freedom from those reckless drivers on the road of life, and may you find good people to follow as you drive along.




A Promise to Hold