Faith, Not Sight

Running on Faith - Faith Not Sight

A single verse from Scripture for us to reflect on today, which simply says: “We walk by faith, not by sight” (2 Corinthians 5:7 ESV) 

I enjoy a bit of blues from time to time, and one of my favourite albums is Eric Clapton’s Unplugged. And there’s a great song on that album called “Runnin’ On Faith”. Clapton sings: “Lately I been runnin’ on faith – what else could a poor boy do?” 

I wonder if you might say the same thing today. “Lately I been runnin’ on faith – what else could I do?”

Running on Empty

Or are you running on empty? I’m sure you know that there are two types of drivers: Those who never even let their car get close to that empty fuel light! They fill up long before that needle hits the little red section. Then there are those who, when the fuel light comes on they say “no big deal. I know my car. We got plenty of time, plenty of time!” 

I’ve found too many people are like the second type of person in life. We let ourselves get emptier and emptier and emptier, more and more drained… And before we know it we’re actually running on empty, saying “I got plenty of time! I’m fine!” But if we’re not careful we will run out of gas completely. And we’ll be left stranded. 

It happened to me once driving home from varsity in my beetle. I turned onto the highway and I knew there’s a petrol station a few kilometres up. I also knew that I didn’t have much left in the tank, but I thought I’m sure I’ll get to that station… 

And as I turned onto the M2 it was bumper to bumper. So I crawled and crawled and crawled… Eventually I saw the accident scene ahead of me… And I crawled and crawled… And I got past the accident… And the road opened up and I put foot… 

And splutter splutter cough cough… I ran out of petrol! 

I managed to get off the road to the emergency lane, and being a beetle driver I knew that this might happen so I had my trusty little can and funnel, and I walked up to the petrol station, filled the bottle and walked back and got myself sorted.

Filling Up on Faith 

Could it be that you are running on empty today? We live lives filled with stress and anxiety these days – life drains us! We are so busy that we often don’t see the warning lights, the gauge saying ‘fill up!’ Or we see it and we keep going regardless. 

I think we need to be running on faith! “We walk by faith and not by sight” Paul said. We need to be filling up on FAITH. Because it is FAITH that gives us the power to get through.  

Run on faith today, deep faith that God is good, He’s in control, He’s looking out for you, He can be trusted. 

If you’re running on faith, not running on empty, this will give you the power and strength that you need to make it through another day.


Faith to Rest in God


Paul’s Prize