Faith to Listen to God

Running on Faith - Faith to Listen to God

Another thing that gets us running on faith, rather than on empty, is having faith to listen to God  We fill up, so to speak, on the promises God gives us in Scripture.

Power of God’s Word

God’s Word is powerful. God’s Word is true. Reliable. Helpful. Useful. It gives power and help and assistance to ordinary Christians like you and me in our daily lives. 

And the promises of God in His Word are like drops of petrol to fill up our spiritual tanks! We don’t need to run on empty if we fill up on His promises. 

Here in South Africa, we have petrol attendants. We pull up to the petrol station, wind down our windows, give our keys to the attendant. And then we sit on our phones while the petrol attendant fills us up, right? 

In other parts of the world, it’s not like this. You gotta jump of your own car and do the filling up! And I can’t help but think that many Christians rely too much on other attendants to fill us up! We come to church and hear a preacher. We read somebody’s devotional, or listen to them. We watch other people speak or pray online.

Developing Personal Faith

And these are all good things to do, truly. But I believe that if we rely solely on others to fill our spiritual tanks… we end up quite shallow in our faith. We never develop our own faith! 

I think God longs for you and I to come to Him and not just His people, for filling. We need to read the Bible deeply ourselves, spend much time in deep prayer ourselves. Because that is when we can listen closely to Him , and not just to a proxy, a mediator between us and Him. 

Are you running on empty today? Get quiet with God before today ends. Get quiet with him and listen to His promises. Stand at the petrol tank of faith, and let His promises fill you up. 

Maybe you end up opening your Bible and you land on a passage like this: “Because he loves me,” says the LORD, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.” (Psalm 91:14–16 NIV) See all the promises there? 

Or maybe you find your way to Philippians 4 and read: ““my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19 NIV11) 

There are thousands of sweet, uplifting promises in God’s Word that will fill your tank if you take them in and let them give you strength and power. 

Find them and hold to them… as you continue running on faith.


Faith to Rest in God