False Generosity
Jesus saw right through the Pharisees, who were very religious, but not very loving. They were committed to outer cleanliness but never received God's inner cleansing, as we saw yesterday, and Jesus went on to say this to them in the verses that follow: "Woe to you Pharisees, because you give God a tenth of your mint, rue and all other kinds of garden herbs, but you neglect justice and the love of God. You should have practiced the latter without leaving the former undone."
Again, they had a false idea about an important part of religious living. They gave a tithe with great discipline and consistency, but their hearts were not moved by injustice, and they didn't really even love God, Jesus says. That must have hurt them - but, as they say, the truth hurts.
The Heart Behind Our Giving
Do you tithe? There are different views on tithing today. Some believe that the words said by the prophet Malachi about bringing your tithe to the storehouse are still relevant to Christians today, and that giving God a tenth of your income is your duty. Others believe that the New Testament's understanding is different - that instead of a tithe, we are now called to give generously and with a joyful heart, as we are able and beyond that - and that the number isn't that important. It might be more than 10% for some, it may be less for others; because in the end a heart that cares for people's needs and that puts God first, are the important things. I tend towards this second view, myself.
It's easy for people to get very self-righteous about their tithing. Some people feel very proud of their tithe, and demand the way it gets used in their church. Some people threaten to withdraw their tithe if the church doesn't do what they want. These are surely Pharisee-like ways of giving.
Some churches favour the members who tithe larger amounts, and don't really pay much attention to those who can't or don't give. This is, I think, a Pharisee-like way of receiving.
Generosity That Transforms
Jesus here is criticizing the Pharisees for their judgmental hearts and their lack of reverence for God. Let's think carefully about how we give. Let's give prayerfully and with a heart for justice and worship. Jesus said the Pharisees should have tithed and done it with the right heart. So whether you want to give your tenth, or whether your giving is not set at a specific number, keep giving generously, and don't do it with a fake generosity. Don't do it to seem generous, or to show your commitment, or to prove yourself. Just give so that justice may be done, and so that your money doesn't take the place of God in your life.
Churches need your support. But more than that, they need people with hearts for justice and worship. You see, you can give without a heart for justice and worship. But you can't have a heart for justice and worship without being a generous giver.