I Am… Fill in the Blank

Now at this point in my “I Am” statement list, it gets a little bit personal. It gets into stuff that is true for me. And so you're going to have to apply it to your situation.

Responsibilities as a Leader and Shepherd

The next few statements deal with the responsibilities God has given me personally. So I say “I'm a leader of my family”. I've got a few sentences about who I need to be to my wife and other family members and so on.

I have another one that says “I'm a shepherd of God's people”, because of course that's my calling. I'm called to care for local church and for you by teaching online. And so every morning I see it and I say, okay, how am I going to shepherd the people under my care today?

“I'm a singer of God's praise” is another one. I use my musical gifts and talents to worship in song. These are important for me because they remind me of my different roles, my different responsibilities.

How would you fill that in? I am_________________. Do you have a role that you are called to play in your family, being a father or mother or even a son or a daughter? Maybe a brother or sister? Maybe an aunt and uncle? Who has God called you to bless in your family on a daily basis? On a weekly basis?

And what about the work that you do? God has sent you to wherever you work so that you can be his hands and feet in that part of the world. Maybe you say, “I'm a teacher who loves and guides the students under my care”. Maybe you say, “I work in an office and I show the glory of God by doing good work, by caring for the people around me in the office.” Maybe you say “I'm retired, but I care for the people in my retirement community by talking with them, sharing the love of God with them.” I don't know what it is for you, but you know where God has called you in terms of your family life and your daily routine.

Daily Affirmations for Living Out God's Calling

Would you write a little sentence and remind yourself every day “this is who I am? This is what God has called me to be? I will be this person today! These are my gifts. These are my talents. This is my situation. And so I am X-Y-Z. This is how I'm going to live out my Christian life.”

Friends, a few short sentences as to just read through every morning can really be a powerful way to focus you and get you going in the right direction.

Come up with your own “I Am” statements. Start going through them and I pray that this will help you keep in step with God and all the things He's called you to do on a daily basis.


I Am Disciplined


I Am a Lover and Worshipper of God