Following Jesus

So this week we’ve seen Peter allow Jesus into his boat, trust in Jesus, and bow before Jesus in wonder! But Jesus is not done with Peter yet. Seeing Peter kneeling in front of Him in reverent awe, Jesus has something to say to him personally: “Then Jesus said to Simon, ‘Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.’ So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him.” (Luke 5:10–11 NIV)

Jesus Casts Out Fear and Calls Us In

“Don’t be afraid,” Jesus says to Peter. You’re included. You can follow me and join me in this family.

Do you know how Jesus changes lives? He casts away our fears and includes us in His mission.

Don’t miss how huge this is, how life-changing this really is. For the King of kings, the God of the ages, the Creator and sustainer of the universe to look at you and me and offer us freedom from fear, and inclusion into His family… that is amazing!

Called to Join His Mission

Deep down, everybody longs for this. They long for freedom from fear, and they long to be included in something amazing. And remember, for Peter and the others in the boats, they were not the types that religious leaders usually called on to be their disciples. They were the nobodies, left on the outskirts of society to do the menial work of fishing.

They would have grown up hearing about the Messiah who would save their people, and they would have thought that when He came, He would have nothing to do with fishermen like them. He would be in the palace! Reigning from on high!

This explains why Peter was so overwhelmed when he saw the power of Jesus. He recognized Him for who He was and thought, I am so unworthy of being close to Him. But Jesus told him not to fear and included him and the other fishermen in His mission. Come, follow me, and let’s fish for people. Yes, YOU. Yes, you fishermen, I want YOU.

Will You Follow Him?

Do you hear Jesus saying this to you today? Yes, you—businessman, teacher, employee. Yes, you—school-goer, varsity-goer! Yes, you —retired person, unemployed person! Yes, you, whoever you are! “I am here”, Jesus says, “to calm your fears and to include you!”

Friends, are you going to follow Him? Will you spend your life worshipping Him and telling others how He has changed you?

I pray that Jesus will not just be a side project in your life. But I pray that you will be changed by Him as you allow Him into your space, trust Him, bow before Him in reverent awe, and follow Him in all His ways.

What a testimony you will have when you allow Him to change you like Peter did.


Our Leprous Hearts


Bowing Before Jesus