From Heartbroken to Happy

The Upper Room - From Heartbroken to Happy

Jesus’ startling presence has a way of taking people from heartbroken to happy!

John’s version of the story said “Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!” After he said this, he showed them his hands and side. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord.” (John 20:19–20 NIV11)

It’s not just a sense of peace and calm and wellness that comes from Jesus… it’s joy! Joy! And once again, he had predicted it. Just before he died he said to them “Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy.” (John 16:22 NIV11)

If you have a vibrant faith in Jesus as Your Saviour and the Son of God, there is a joy that NOTHING can take away, because He rose from the dead and is alive in you. Because when our joy is rooted in Christ, then nothing can take away our joy because nothing can take away our Jesus! Not even death took him away!

Joy Beyond Circumstances

Brennan Manning wrote a little book called The Signature of Jesus, and in it he said: “Whatever happens, the Lord is risen! Nothing can suffocate this joy and hope. Whether the day is stormy or fair, whether I am sick or in good health, nothing alters the fact that Christ is risen." Is that your conviction today? NOTHING can suffocate the joy and hope that I have in the risen Christ?

Now, I’m not speaking naively here. I know that life is full of heartaches. I am not suggesting that when Jesus enters your life you will never feel sad, defeated or deflated again.

I AM saying that through these things there is victory because Christ conquered. In fact I hope you remember what we said over and over again on Easter morning: Christ conquered, Christ is in me, I will conquer!

When Jesus fills our lives, we can be overjoyed even through our tears of pain and sorrow. The question is: is Jesus your joy, or is your joy rooted in your circumstances?

Joy in Jesus

If your joy is rooted in your circumstances, it will forever fluctuate. But if your joy is rooted in the love Jesus has for you, nothing will take away that joy.

My friends, I pray that you seek your joy in Him! I pray that your days will all be joyful days because you look to Him as your joy!

The risen Christ comes to you and me today, and I pray that this very fact will cause us, like the disciples, to be truly overjoyed.


From Paralyzed to Purposeful


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