Request and Wait

In the morning we come to God and pray and I like what David says in Psalm 5:3: ”In the morning Lord you hear my voice. In the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.”

I love this! He comes to God in prayer and what does he do? He makes his requests. He's honest with God about what he needs and what's going on in his life and he asks God for his assistance, and to bless him in whatever ways he needs.

Morning Prayer Expectancy

Are we doing this in prayer? Remember Jesus said, “ask and it will be given to you.” James said, “If you lack wisdom, ask of God.”

Friends, don't be afraid to come into God's presence every morning and ask him. Ask him for his help. Lay out your day before him and say, “Lord, I'm going to need you here. I'm going to need you here. Your strength is going to get me through.” I think it honors God when we come to him and say, “Lord, I need you in these ways".”

Don't just go into your day. Request God's help. Lay your requests before God every morning before you head out the door.

Morning Prayer Stillness

But note what David says next. He says, “I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.” And so there's time in his prayer life for a bit of silence and waiting.

I love what F.B. Meyer said. He said, “We miss many answers because we get tired of waiting on the docks for the returning ships.” I love that picture of us sending a prayer off like a ship on the ocean, but they're never waiting for its return, for its answer.

Friends, in the morning, pray. Lay your requests before God and spend some time waiting in quietness and stillness for his answers. They may just come to you in your heart, in your mind. You may find them in his book as you page through the Bible. But friends, don't just rush off. When morning is broken, spend time praying and waiting. God will faithfully meet you there.


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