What the Backstreet Boys Taught Me About God - Is it Too Late?

This song has been stuck in my head for weeks, but thankfully God has used it to remind me of some great truths. As we get into the third verse, we hear these words:

Am I your fire? Your one desire?
Yes I know it’s too late, but I want it that way

So again for me this was the voice of God saying “am I really your fire, your one desire?” It made me think again about whether or not I am as committed as I claim.

And then came these words saying “it’s too late”. And this startled me a little. Because it occurred to me that if God isn’t your fire, your one desire in this life, a time will come when it is too late.

Urgency of Faith

Some people believe that God will give everybody another chance after they’ve died to get right with Him. And I wish I could believe that. But I simply can’t because it’s not the picture the Bible paints. Hebrews 9:27 says that “people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment”. And Jesus also tells a story in Luke 16 about a man who dies and goes to a heavenly place, and another who dies and goes to Hades or Hell. The man in hell is in agony and tries to send a warning to his family so that they don’t also end up where he is, but he is told that the people on earth have the Scriptures, they can figure it out for themselves. So for the rich man in Jesus’ story, it was too late to make things right after he died. He missed his chance.

This is why many Christians have a great sense of urgency when sharing the faith. They don’t want people to wait ‘til it’s too late. Now to be sure, people can turn to God on their deathbed and be forgiven. Another story of Jesus in Matthew 20 makes it clear that whether you’ve been working for God for your whole life or just from shortly before death, the gift of eternal life is the same.

But of course, none of us knows when we will die. It might come suddenly without giving us time to properly repent and cry out for His mercy. We don’t want to live in rebellion against God and think we have plenty of time, and then it turns out we don’t.

Don't Wait, Repent

And so an earnest question today friends: are you truly right with God? Are you truly trusting in His mercy alone for your salvation? And does your life reflect a true faith in this God, or are you ‘two worlds apart’?

Don’t wait and think you’ll get right with God tomorrow, or next week, or on your deathbed. Don’t wait til it’s too late!

Go to God today, turning from your life of sin and trusting in Him to write off your debts because He paid your price on the cross.

And then live for Him from today.

Don’t wait until you say “I know, it’s too late.”


No Matter the Distance


Aint Nothing But a Heartache, a Mistake