Jesus Extends Life

Jesus Extends Life Daily Devotion

Jesus brings life, he fills life, but this life is not all there is. Those who are in Christ do not die at the end. But life begins anew.

Some of Jesus’ most famous words came at the grave of his friend Lazarus, where Jesus said: “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die.” (John 11:25–26 NIV) In Christ we can live on even though we’ve died to this world.

Some time ago I received two phone calls on the same day to tell me that someone I know had died. The first was in the morning. And it was a man who I met earlier in the year, who was really struggling with some dark things. He had lived a tortured life and swung from faith to the occult, to faith, to freemasonry, and so on. I was called because they found him in his house, he had hanged himself, and my number was the one he put on the form when he went to drop his dog off at doggy daycare just before doing this. This man was so torn apart by his guilt and he was supposed to meet up with me the next week so we could do some prayer ministry together. And I wonder if He knew Christ! I wonder if he knew the saving grace of Jesus! I don’t know.

Later that day I received another call. A lady from my previous church had died. And a few days later I sang at her funeral and it was sad… but joyful!! She had such a deep faith in Jesus that everyone was SURE, completely sure that she is now safe with him.

Eternal Assurance: The Way to Heaven

The contrast of these two stories has stuck with me. One person whose life ended with no assurance of salvation. Another whose life ended with the utmost assurance of heaven.

Do you have that assurance, friends? Do you KNOW where you’re going to go when you die?

There’s only ONE way to be sure of that:
- And it’s NOT being a very kind person to all
- It’s NOT doing good deeds in this world every day of your life
- It’s NOT coming to church every Sunday
- It’s NOT being a faithful worker in your job
- It’s NOT looking after your family well

These are all GOOD practices, and we must all do them, but if we want life eternal, how do we know we have it? It’s ONLY by faith in Jesus, by throwing ourselves on His mercy, that we gain eternal life.

That verse says the one who BELIEVES IN Jesus will live even though they die. Another famous one says God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever BELIEVES in him will not perish, but will have eternal life.

There’s a church down the road from us with a big sign outside that says “If you don’t know Jesus, don’t die!” It’s a bold tactic, to make such a shocking statement. But it’s true. Jesus extends life but not for everyone… but only for those who have trusted in Him and not their own works to save them.

Eternity's Destination: Trusting in Jesus

Where will you end up in eternity? Will you reach the judgment day, hoping that your good has outweighed your bad, and that God will open the gates for you because of that?

Please think carefully about this friends, because the Bible’s teaching is clear: it is only those who have trusted in Jesus as their substitute, as the one paid their debts for them, that find extended life after death.

And it’s a glorious life. It’s nothing like life here. It is pure joy and pure peace and no conflict.

Turn to Jesus and place your faith in Him friends.

And then be assured that your life will extend past this life, and onto the next – on His merit, not your own.


Acknowledging God’s Love First


Jesus Fills Ordinary Lives