Jesus Offers Mercy to Believers

Yesterday we recognised that God does judge, and that Jesus is actually the one who judges, since the Father has committed that authority to him. But listen to this amazing verse that Jesus goes on to say in verse 24: “Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life.” That's an amazing verse, a favorite for many in the Bible.

Eternal Life Now

And we need to know when Jesus says “very truly I tell you” that what he's about to say is very important. He says those who hear my word, who listen to what Jesus says and believes him who sent me - in other words, those who accept Jesus at his word and believe in him as the Son of God, believe in his authority as equal to the Father and as one with the Father - such a person has eternal life. Not will have, but has eternal life already.

That's an amazing, amazing thing. If you're in Christ, you've got life, you've got a real life already.

And as Jesus says, you will not be judged. Now, does this contradict what I said yesterday when I said we need to be prepared for God as a judge? Well, essentially what Jesus is saying here is that such a person who is in him will not be judged as guilty, will not be condemned as guilty because their faith is in Christ, because they believe in him as their Saviour.

When Jesus went to the cross, he went as our substitute. And if we believe that and we believe he took my place, his blood was shed so that mine didn't have to be shed. His death gave me life. Well then, one day when we reach the judgment, friends, God will look at us. And see one who is saved by grace. He will not say, oh, this person was good enough by what they did. He will not say, well, this person was too bad because of what they did. But he will say their faith has saved them.

Grace Through Faith

This is the theme of the New Testament, that faith in God's saving grace is what saves us, not good deeds or lack of good deeds.

And so have you placed your faith in Christ? Is he your Saviour? Old school terminology, but it's so true - that one whose faith in Christ will never be punished for their sins.

Hallelujah! Praise God today if you know this grace in your own life. And if you don't, fall on him today, cast yourself onto him and say I need you to be my Saviour and he will wash away your stains, cleanse you, call you his own, and guarantee you a crossing over from death to life.


Jesus Calls us To Live Good Lives


Jesus Judges in Place of the Father