Lift Your Head, Peer Inside

Let’s listen to verse 2 of Born in Bethlehem, a Christmas song I wrote back in 2010 or so:

Lift your head, peer inside, in a manger He lies
Baby Jesus, sleeping soft and sound
Every angel starts to smile at the wonder of the Child
As the glory of the Lord shines around

The Sacred Pause

The words "lift your head, peer inside" challenge me every time I sing this song. December often finds us with our heads bowed low, exhausted from a long year. We're just pushing through until our break - and even then, our 'rest' is often so packed with activities that we hardly pause at all!

But here's the invitation: lift your head and peer into the manger. It requires intention. Without deliberately choosing to focus on Him, we might miss Him altogether in the rush of the season.

The Contagious Joy

“Lift your head, peer inside”, and as the song says “Every angel starts to smile at the wonder of the child.” This line never fails to bring a smile to my face! The image of angels beaming as they witness God incarnate as a tiny baby is delightful to me. When we truly seek Jesus at Christmas, joy follows. This isn't about forcing cheerfulness or denying our struggles - we may well be grieving or going through difficult times. But there's something about the sight of our Saviour in a manger that still brings a gentle joy to our hearts.

Radiating His Glory

Those angels who announced the good news shone with heavenly brilliance - and here's a beautiful truth for us today: His glory can shine through us too! An angel is simply a messenger of God. When God's messengers carries good news, they shine! Perhaps God is calling us to be His messengers this Christmas, radiating His light because we're so captivated by His glory.

Don't let this season slip away without taking time to really ponder Jesus and worship Him. A glorious Christmas awaits if we’ll lift our heads and smile at Him in His humble majesty.


They Come From Far and Wide


Christ, Lord, Saviour, Holy One