Love for Family and Friends

Love for Family and Friends

It can be tempting for us to view Jesus as a kind of lone ranger figure. We think of Him as lifted up high above everyone else, capable of taking it all in His stride alone - like a lone pillar of strength, needing nobody in His life.

But no man is an island. And Jesus was a man. When He began His ministry, Jesus gathered a group of twelve men around Him. These men became more than just a church group – they travelled together, ate together, slept in the same places, visited the same houses. They were a close-knit group.

Jesus knew each of them so well, and we can only wonder at the conversations they must have had as they sat and shared meals together, and as they walked along. The gospels record a few of them, but certainly not all.

Jesus' Unwavering Love and Sacrifice for His Disciples

And you know what? It was not always smooth sailing for this group. They argued. They fought. They got mad at each other. They got irritated. Eventually, one of them sold Jesus out and (for a while) splintered the whole group.

How did Jesus stay loving toward this group of men?

Well, Jesus’ friend John described it in the 13th chapter of his gospel: “Jesus knew that the hour had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father. Having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end.” (John 13:1)

John continues by telling the story of how Jesus shared a meal with these close ones of His, and then knelt down with a basin of water and a towel around His waist and washed their feet. Even the one who He knew was about to betray Him.

About a year ago, my best friend’s father died. He was diagnosed with an aggressive cancer months ago. He spent his last days at home, doing woodworking, listening to the music he loved, and spending time with his loved ones. As I sat with the family the day that he died, we spoke about how meaningful it was for him to have his family around during this time.

Embracing Love Like Jesus Did

When somebody is about to die, you know what they usually say? Bring me my loved ones. I want to enjoy their company. The fights, the troubles, and the betrayals all seem silly. But the shared LOVE between close family and friends makes for some special moments.

Jesus, just before He died, gathered His loved ones together… And He washed their feet.

He was no lone ranger. He was a servant. And He loved those closest to Him to the end.

How’s it going with your loved ones? Do you need to reach out to one of them this day, and love them like Jesus loved His closest people?

If we are to love like Jesus loved, let’s start at home, with our precious friends and family, loving them to the end.


Love for Foes


Copying Jesus