A People-Centred Life - Mentors

If the godly life is people-centred, what sort of people should we be embracing? Firstly, we see in Paul’s writing that mentors are important in our lives. His words to Timothy are touching: “To Timothy, my dear son: Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord… Recalling your tears, I long to see you, so that I may be filled with joy” (2 Timothy 1:2, 4 NIV11).

Paul is an old man now and his compassion for the new generation coming in is evident. It’s a beautiful thing to see – Paul saying “my dear son”. The KJV says “my beloved son”.

Even in his previous letter to Timothy he called him “Timothy my true son in the faith” – a lot more formal and serious. But here you can just sense Paul’s deep love for this young man - “my dear son, my beloved son”. These are not the words of a man who cares nothing for people. Paul cares deeply.

Mentoring Matters Deeply

In fact I love how he says “I long to see you that I may be filled with joy.” It was his joy to spend time with the precious ones he mentored.

We need mentors today. Mentors who care deeply for the younger generations. Last year my colleague Pieter and I met with our District Superintendent - and he was saying that many of our older pastors don’t have succession plans in place. And so they get to 80 years old and there’s nobody to take over their churches. They need to seek out people to mentor!

In fact in his book about mentoring in the church, Larry Kreider writes this: “there is a desperate need for spiritually mature men and women to mentor younger Christians, helping them to clarify what really matters in life and work. Spiritual parents who act as mature coaches can help younger believers achieve their dreams and visions and feel connected as they integrate life and work and grow to maturity”.

It’s true. The support of a mentor or “spiritual parent” can make a tremendous difference in the life of every Christian. And we see this all throughout the Bible:

·         Moses was a mentor to Joshua. Would Joshua have gone on to do the great things he did
         as the leader of the Israelite nation, if he hadn’t been taught and mentored by Moses? 
         Probably not!

·         Jesus was a mentor to his disciples (although he was much more than that of course).
          He not only taught them, but he journeyed with them, helping and guiding them along their

·         Paul mentored many young men in the early days of the church. This was a role he seemed
         to take very seriously. Not only that, but he encouraged the early Christians to mentor others
         in their communities.

Answer the Call

Each Christian needs the support of older, wiser Christians to mentor them. Someone to look up to, to talk to, to spend time with, to ask questions of, to learn from - such a person is invaluable in the journey of faith.

Is God calling you to be a mentor, today? Is God calling to you FIND a mentor, today?

Perhaps there is someone in your circles who is dying for an opportunity to be a mentor like Paul, or to be mentored like Timothy…

Maybe all you have to do is ask.


A Family of Faith


God Brings His People With Him