My Participation in the Christian Life

My Participation in the Christian Life

As mentioned yesterday, those who are saved and loved by God need to live up to their names. And W. Herschel Ford goes onto explain that when Jesus comes into our hearts, we have a responsibility to participate in the life he has called us to.

Devotion to Doing God's Work: The Inspiring Story of General William Booth

Again he quotes from Titus 3 where Paul says in verse 8 “I want you to stress these things, so that those who have trusted in God may be careful to devote themselves to doing what is good”.

We are called to live the Christian life. To devote ourselves to doing the things of God, no matter what the cost! Ford tells the story of General William Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army, who was travelling with the famous author Rudyard Kipling on a ship. Standing on the deck of the ship and chatting, Booth saw a group of Salvation Army people conducting a service in the street in their view. He excused himself and rushed down to join them, and there he spoke of Christ and sang along to the hymns and prayed. When he arrived back at the ship, Mr Kipling said to him “You made a ludicrous sight down there, playing the tambourine and with your cape blowing in the wind!” General Booth replied “Mr Kipling, if I can keep people out of hell by standing on my head and playing the tambourine with my toes, I will learn to do it.”

That is some commitment to participating in the Christian life! Booth was committed to doing good even if people judged him for it.

Let’s ask ourselves today: are we participating in the work of God here on earth? Are we devoted to doing the things he wants us to do? Remember, Jesus told his disciples to go and make more disciples. That was his parting command to them. Are we devoted to this, because Jesus has asked us to be?

Taking Your Portion and Fulfilling Your Calling: Active Participation in God's Work

I don’t want to just take my portion, which we spoke of on Tuesday, and enjoy it without also playing my part in the great calling God has placed on the lives of his people.

Don’t stand on the sidelines today, get stuck into the work of God, that through you, people might see Him.


My Profit in Eternity


My Position as an Heir