Pause and Reflect

As the year ends we want to hit pause and rest. But secondly we want to hit pause and reflect.

I like what the Psalmist wrote in Psalm 119: "I have considered my ways and have turned my steps to your statutes." Or as the NLT phrases it: "I pondered the direction of my life, and I turned to follow your laws." Or as the ERV says it: "I thought very carefully about my life, and I decided to follow your rules."

Looking Back

To reflect means to consider, to ponder, to think very carefully about the way things have turned out. I'm guessing that 2024 did not quite turn out the way you had planned! Looking forward at the beginning of January this year, you probably didn't foresee what happened, right? But now you have the benefit of hindsight, and you can look back and see what God did in your life.

The Good Times

Reflect on the good times, firstly. What good things happened in your life this year? Successes in business or hobbies or education? New places, new things, new experiences? New people, old people you still love, times together? Family and friends?

Maybe you laughed many times this year. Each laugh was a gift! Maybe you smiled a lot this year. Each smile was a gift! Think of your clothes, your food, your internet, your cars, your money. Think of your church, a place to belong and grow. Think of the opportunities you had to do good things this year.

Hit pause, these next few days, and reflect on these things, with gratitude.

The Hard Times

But reflect on the bad times too. Perhaps you had troubles this year. Health problems. Relationship struggles. Family issues. Death of loved ones. Financial burdens. Dreams crashing to the ground. Can you look back and see how God helped you through those tough times? Can you reflect on how, though it was tough and dark, His light was still shining? Can you see, now in hindsight, how He never left you or abandoned you? Can you recognize how even when you were mad at Him, He was patient with you?

How He has loved us this year! How He has cared for us this year! How He has held us and sustained us and preserved us this year!

Bad times are also learning moments. My friend Darren Flood spoke in an old sermon about OUCH moments in our lives—which stands for "Ordain Us with Christ's Healing." He says that through our pain, through our struggles, God is bringing us healing, and help, and love and compassion. Yes it's painful, but that pain brings us closer to God.

I encourage us, as we hit pause in these last days of the year, not just to watch TV or entertain ourselves the whole time, but to actually take the time to be still and reflect. Reflect on the good times, and reflect on the bad times, because this will prepare our hearts for what God has next.


Pause and Release


Pause and Rest