Why Jesus came - To Bring a Sword

Every Christmas time, one of the messages that gets spread around is peace to all people. But if we read the original words in Luke, it seems a little different. In Luke 2:13 the angels were praising God, and they said “glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to those on whom his favour rests.” And in fact, Jesus, when he was talking about the reason that he came, said these startling words in Matthew 10: “Do not suppose that I've come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.”

Christian Commitment Balance

Now at another time, he said, “Blessed are the peacemakers.” So we've got to be careful when we talk about these types of things. We've got to see the whole picture and not just take a verse out of context. Jesus was a peace-loving man. He didn't actually draw a sword ever and fight anybody. He turned the other cheek. He was a man who taught nonviolence.

But he talks about how the very nature of who he was would always alienate people and would always turn certain people away. He talked about how, because of him, families would turn against each other and become enemies. Then he said these words: “Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me. Anyone who loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.”

And so we learn that Jesus has to take the first place in our lives, and if he truly does, it is likely that there will be some resistance from other people in our lives -in a sense, a sword dividing us because of our Christian commitment.

This doesn't mean that we become spiritually arrogant and just do whatever we want and say “to hell with everybody else”. That's not at all the Jesus attitude. It doesn't mean that we go aggressively fight other people who don't share our views - not for a second. But it means that we hold to our Christian commitment. And if people decide to part with us because of it, then so be it. And if our Christian commitment causes a lack of peace because some people can't handle it, then so be it.

Peacemaking and Conviction

Jesus came - He came to earth, not to bring peace to all of mankind. He came to bring peace to those who know God, and probably to bring unrest for those who don't know God, because his holiness is so great that when you see him, you either want more or you want to run for your life.

Friends, be a peacemaker. Jesus calls us to being a peacemaker. And Paul also said do all you can to bring peace", but never at the expense of your Christian values and commitment. Stand firm in what you know is true in the Word of God. Lovingly accept people like Jesus did with the sinners that we spoke of earlier in the week. But if you stick to your convictions and people turn against you, don't be surprised! Because Jesus in the end was more interested in somebody who would take up their cross and follow him than somebody who would put something else before him.

This Christmas put him first, friends, no matter what happens.


To Judge


To Call Sinners