Psalm 36 - God’s Love

The Ways of God - God's Love

Last week we looked at David’s words in Psalm 36 about the sinfulness of the wicked. Perhaps you saw in those words some things to turn away from, some sins of which to repent.

The Ways of God

This week I want to stay in Psalm 36, and look at how David changes his tune somewhat and begins to talk about the ways of God, compared the ways of sinful humankind. And, as is typical of David, he has much to say about God’s love. Have a look at verse 5: “Your love, LORD, reaches to the heavens”. And what about this in verse 7: “How priceless is your unfailing love, O God!”

So he is talking about two aspects of God’s love here: its size and its value.

The Size of God's Love

In terms of its size, David says the love of God “reaches to the heavens”. Think about that. He is saying that it extends on and on and on and on and on! Nothing can actually reach the heavens as such can it? There’s always more sky to reach however far you’ve gone into the sky. But the love of God is greater still than that, it goes all the way and reaches to the heavens. What a thought!

Have you forgotten that God’s love is unending? Have you started to think of God’s love as limited in some way? Think again friends. God’s love can cover any sin. It can save any sinner. It can redeem anything lost, repair anything broken. It is His love that compels Him to do what He does and not do what He doesn’t do.

The Value of God's Love

And, as David says, this love is priceless. I love this word! You cannot put a value to it. Of course, real love can never be purchased. If you try to buy love, you won’t get love. You may get pleasure but it will be empty pleasure. God’s love cannot be bought – it is beyond value.

I love these words from classic theologian John Brine: “The most extensive ideas that a finite mind can frame about Divine love are infinitely below its true nature. The heaven is not so far above the earth as the goodness of God is beyond the most raised conceptions which we are able to form of it.”

Even your highest conception of God’s love is infinitely smaller than what it actually is!

And so today my friends, bask in the love of God. He offers it to all. All you have to do to receive it, is believe in Him and put your hand in His hand.

A huge and priceless love will be yours – covering your sins and showering you with affection – if You have called Him your Lord.


Psalm 36 - God’s Faithfulness


The Sinful Plot Evil