Psalm 36 -God’s Preserving Grace

The Ways of God - God's Preserving Grace

We end our two weeks in Psalm 36 with the last little phrase in verse 6, where David says “You, LORD, preserve both people and animals.”

Interesting that David would say this. He, of course, was a shepherd, and I’m sure his love for his sheep is coming through here. I imagine David looked after those creatures under his care with great compassion and kindness. And perhaps as he cared for them, he saw how wonderfully and beautifully God had made animals, and how their own lives were the results of God’s grace.

God's Preservation Power

I like this word “preserve”. These days we have things called preservatives in our food, in order to keep it from being spoiled. And there are different types of preservatives. You might use salt as a preservative, or you might use some sort of synthetic, human-made chemical. Some people believe that it’s all the unnatural preservatives in our food that causes all sorts of health problems.

Let me ask you this: what do you use as a “preservative” in your spiritual life? Do you look to synthetic, human-made things to try and sustain you in your walk? Or do you look to God, and your relationship with Him, as the great “preservative” – the thing that gives you strength and keeps you fresh?

Spiritual Sustenance

If we go down to verses 7 and 8 of this Psalm, David says “People take refuge in the shadow of your wings. They feast on the abundance of your house; you give them drink from your river of delights.”

I think these are the great preservatives that keep us from being ‘spoiled’ spiritually? It’s when we take refuge in God, when we feast on His abundance and drink from His delights – in worship, prayer, Scripture, fellowship – that we find ourselves ‘preserved’ and sustained.

Rely on God's Grace

What grace He gives us, that we may enjoy life this way! How kind He is, to welcome us into His family and bless us with His preserving kindness!

Praise Him today for this, and lean on Him. Talk with Him. Get close to Him. Open yourself up to His preserving grace. It is the gift that keeps on giving if you will grasp it.


Paul’s Place


Psalm 36 -God’s Justice