Remember the Beckoning

Remembering 2022 - Remember the Beckoning

We've been looking back on 2022 and we've remembered the blessings, we've remembered the batterings, we've remembered the blemishes. And today I want to remember the beckoning, the beckoning call of God.

Living Out Calling

God beckons us. He calls us to himself. And with that call, he always sends us back out to go and do his work in our lives.

How did you live out you’re calling this year? My testimony is that I've been so blessed this year as I've joined a new church and begun shepherding this new flock that's gathered at the Church of the Nazarene in Boksburg. God has called me to this role, I know, and it took me a little while to figure out where and how and what. But now it's happening, and I praise God for that.

And there were times earlier this year when it hadn't happened yet that I was wondering about my calling. I was saying, “Lord, you've beckoned me, you've called me to do this work, and yet there's no work for me to do.” And I was quite tempted to just abandon the call and do my own thing. But I'm so grateful that I pursued it and found the place God had called me to.

You've got a calling on your life, friends. Maybe it's not to pastoral ministry like me, but maybe it's to a certain job, a certain role. Maybe within the place you work already, you've got a certain calling to lead people and to guide people to Christ. Maybe you've got a calling somewhere else and you're not there yet. And you need to take that step in 2023 to be able to live out that calling. Maybe you need to take a risk for God as he beckons you to do something for him. Maybe it's just God's beckoning call to get closer to him, to start regularly reading the word and praying and becoming a practicing, Christian.

Answering God's Call

Spend some time thinking about this, friends, because God calls us all. God calls us all to live lives of effectiveness in the Kingdom, using our gifts, using our talents, using our time, using our money, using our possessions for God's use.

Hear His call today, friends. He's called us to do his work, to tell people about Jesus and show people Jesus in our lives. Don't abandon the call if it's taking a while shaping up, but go where God has called you and he will reveal the way there. It may be that we remember God's call on our lives as we look back on the year and commit to living it out as the new year begins.


Remember the Best of All


Remember the Blemishes