Saved From the Raging Sea and the Darkness

The Lord is My Salvation devotion

One of my favorite worship songs of the moment is The Lord is My Salvation. It was written by Keith and Kristyn Getty, Irish songwriters. We've been singing it at our church and really enjoying these words. Throughout the song at the end of every verse or every chorus it says, “the Lord is my salvation”. I'm finding salvation in Him alone.

Saved from a Raging Sea

Look at the words of verse one:

“The grace of God has reached for me
And pulled me from a raging sea
And I am safe on this solid ground,
The Lord is my salvation.”

I love that - the grace of God has reached for me and pulled me from a raging sea. This is a great picture of our salvation. We're drowning in a raging sea. But God in His grace, reaches for us. The question is, are we taking his hand? Or are we saying, “No, no, I can swim to shore myself!” The Lord is my salvation. Nobody else can save. You can't get to the shore by yourself, friends. It is only Him who can pull you from the raging sea and put you safe on the solid ground.

And everyone who has been saved knows this - how when you're safe with God, it's like you find your feet on the solid ground!

Saved from Darkness

Verse 2 sounds like this:

“I will not fear when darkness falls,
His strength will help me scale these walls,
I’ll see the dawn of the rising sun,
The Lord is my salvation.”

And so another picture of salvation: We're in darkness. But when God comes, there is the dawn of the rising sun. And He saves us from the darkness. Jesus is the light in a dark world and his strength helps us scale all sorts of walls in our lives.

Only God Can Save

The Lord is my salvation, saving me from a raging sea, putting me on solid ground, saving me from darkness and shining his light. Have you discovered this? Do you know God as your salvation? Or are you looking for a different way to be saved from your raging seas and from the darkness?

Look to Him. Look to Jesus Christ alone. He is the one who can pull you from the raging sea. He is the one who can shine a light that cannot be overcome by darkness.

Find it in Him, and then you'll will also be able to sing “the Lord is my salvation” with joy.


His Grace Will Renew These Days


Hide and Seek With God