The Peace Jesus Brings

A strong theme in Kim Phuc's book Fire Road is that of peace. Right at the beginning of her book in the introduction, she writes this: "What I desired more than healing for my wounds and hope for my heart was peace for my troubled soul. Peace! Yes I must write about that peace. I should say here that because I longed so deeply for peace and then – miracle of miracles – actually encountered peace, my approach to all of life centers on being at peace. I want to receive God's gift of peace each day; I want to allow that peace to infiltrate my thoughts, my reactions, my work; I want to carry that peace with me wherever I go; And I want to share that peace with whomever I should meet."

Beautiful words, and I suppose most of us feel the same way, don't we? We want peace in our souls, above all.

The Journey to True Peace

Later on in the book, Kim tells the story of her coming to Christ and putting her faith in Him. Her friend had been praying for her to take that step, and when Kim excitedly told her friend about her new faith, her friend said to her: "You will always be at peace now." Kim, thinking about her own mother and their family’s false religion,  writes this: “If only my ma could see my side of the story. Ma, I am finally at peace!"

I loved reading Kim's words. I was reminded that only Jesus can bring real peace to a human soul – and Kim's story proved it.

Living Out a Surrendered Faith

But friends, I want to point out to you that Kim's life showed a deep and radical commitment to Christ. Hers is not a shallow faith, sometimes following Jesus, sometimes leaving Him out of her life. Reading this book, I was touched by her genuine commitment to her faith in Christ, and I believe that this is why she found this peace – because she truly surrendered to Jesus and began living every day in close relationship with Him.

Perhaps you too have scars. They may not have come from napalm bombs, but they hurt nonetheless. May I remind you today, that peace is not about having all your difficulties removed. Peace for the soul comes from a deep, abiding, close relationship with Jesus Christ.

Kim's story is a wonderful exploration of the peace that only Christ can bring. How about your story? Does it speak of the fact that even with pain and suffering, you have a deep-seated peace because Christ is in your heart?

Jesus said to his disciples "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." (John 14:27).

My prayer for you, is that these words of Jesus come true in your life, because like Kim, your soul looks to Jesus alone for peace.


Moment By Moment


God’s Strange Ways