Who is Like the Lord our God?

The Lord is My Salvation Devotion

I've left the chorus out so far so that we could just focus on those verses. But let's have a look at the chorus of The Lord is my Salvation.

“Who is like the Lord our God?
Strong to save faithful in love
My debt is paid and the vict’ry won
The Lord is my salvation.”

Nobody Compares to God

What great words of praise. I really enjoy singing this at our church. Singing with everybody else “who is like the Lord our God?” Nobody compares! Nobody else can save, for one thing, the song says “strong to save, faithful in love”. Who is strong to save and faithful in love like God? None.

In fact I like what Psalm 31:2 says, where the Psalmist cries out and says to God, “Be my rock of refuge, a strong fortress to save me.” Yes, it is his strength alone that can pull us from that raging sea and open the doors to eternal life for us. Oh, how faithful He is!

Saved Because He Loves Us

And I want you to remember that line “faithful in love”. Why has God saved us and promised us such wonderful things as we've seen in the verses of the song? Because he loves us. God saves us because he loves us. Do you know today that God loves you, that He's faithful in His love?

Debts Paid, Victory Won

And so, as the song says, “My debt is paid and the victory won. The Lord is my salvation.” My debt is paid. I don't have to pay my way for salvation. I don't have to try and earn it with good works. The debt is paid. Jesus paid for it on the cross. When He died, He completed a transaction so that our record of debt can be wiped clean and our victory over death and punishment won.

Oh how wonderful that the Lord is our salvation today! Friends worship Him, worship Him today! Go deep in worship and pray and praise with thankfulness that God has done these great things in our lives.

So often we ask him for forgiveness and for help, but then do we worship him and thank him for it? Consider what he's done and then sing: Who is like the Lord our God? May your worship be like a sweet scent, rising up to God today.


Glory Be to God the Father, Spirit and Son


He Will Not Leave Me in the Grave