A Costly Change

Betrayed! - A Costly Change

Stan Telchin and his very Jewish family became strong believers in Jesus as the Messiah, and their lives were changed forever. I encourage you to read his book Betrayed! and enjoy the story in detail.

Stan was very excited about his faith, initially, and having seen that the first believers were Jews he thought it would be great to share his new faith with his Jewish friends and family. But soon he found that his fellow Jews were desperately unhappy at this change in the Telchin family. Stan’s sister Doris told him in no uncertain terms to never speak a word about his beliefs to her or her family. The Telchins became outcasts in their own neighborhood, and he talks about “cold stares and tight lips” greeting them wherever they went. Old friends even flatly ignored them at social events, and it wasn’t unusual for people to take the Telchins on heatedly and accuse them of being traitors and worse. One lady even spat in Ethel’s face when she mentioned that she believed in Jesus as Messiah; others boycotted Stan’s business.

Enduring Faith Courageously

Stan writes on page 110: “What does believing in Jesus do to a Jewish family? It tests us and our new beliefs. We suddenly learned about a new kind of persecution.” All this reminded me of Jesus’ own words on the sermon on the mount, where he said “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.” (Matthew 5:11-12 NIV11)

Two thoughts came to me as I read of the Telchin’s persecution. First, I’m grateful to live in a community where being a Christian is not frowned upon. What a privilege to be able to express my faith – not just in my home and my church, but in the shops, in my car, in public. It’s something I take for granted, and it’s only when I read stories like Stan’s and others who are truly persecuted for their faith, that I start to realise just how privileged I really am. I don’t know what persecution is, to be honest. I think I do, but nobody’s ever spat in my face when I’ve mentioned Jesus.

But then, secondly, I thought to myself: it’s a shame how willing we often are to ‘tone down’ our faith for the sake of keeping the peace, or maintaining the status quo. We are so used to our little social norms that we’re often quite okay with just leaving Jesus at the door so that we don’t ruffle any feathers.

The Telchins didn’t have that luxury. Their very presence caused people to be uncomfortable because of their faith. But they stood firm.

Stand Firm Always

Do you need to stand firm today? In a family that laughs at your faith? In a workplace that despises Christ? In a social group that ridicules Christians?

Jesus said it plainly – people will take issue with real, committed Christians. Their beliefs, their lifestyles, their words will challenge and convict people, and this will cause them to lash out in many cases.

Stand firm friend! Hold to your faith in Jesus whatever comes your way and remember that “great is your reward in heaven” when you persevere.

The Telchins didn’t give up on their new faith when people got in the way. I pray the same will be true for me and for you.


A Copernicus Moment


A High or Faith?