A High or Faith?

Betrayed! - A High or Faith?

After Stan came to faith in Jesus, he felt excited and on fire for nine months. He describes it as “a bubbling joy, a lightness, a freedom, an awareness of the presence of God that I could not explain to anyone who had not experienced it.” 

I wonder if you know what he’s talking about? Maybe you also felt that when you first began walking with Jesus, or when you made some sort of new commitment to Him at some point in your life? Stan talks about the great answers to prayer that came, and personal problems that became easier to handle. 

Faith Beyond Feelings

But then listen to what he writes on page 112 of his book Betrayed: “Suddenly the ‘high’ ended. I was very upset. What had I done wrong? I discussed this with some of my friends who were older than me in the Lord. They laughed and told me it was God’s way of telling me that I had to grow up. It was time to get off the emotional highs and lows of feelings and begin to discover what faith is.” 

I think there are some churches that so emphasize feelings that they perhaps lead people into expecting to always feel on a high as a Christian. Perhaps I have even been guilty of this myself, with passionate words about God being your fire and your great desire. Perhaps such talk can lead to a ‘feelings-driven’ faith, where you think something is wrong if you don’t feel this great ecstatic joy at being a Christian. 

As Stan’s friends pointed out, that type of faith is essentially baby faith! His friends told him that it was now time to grow up and learn real faith. Faith where you stand firm whether you feel it or not. Faith where your convictions are rock solid, regardless of your mood or disposition. 

I don’t know about you friends, but I want to follow Jesus always. I want to stick like glue to my God even when I am feeling tired, sick, or just grumpy. 

Steadfast Real Faith

I don’t want to be chasing a high the whole time. I want to rather live with quiet but firm convictions about Jesus that don’t shake. 

This doesn’t mean I don’t embrace a spiritual high when it comes! But I don’t want to base my faith on those sorts of occasions. Because that’s like only wanting excitement in a marriage all the time! Yes the exciting moments are important, but you know you’re in a strong relationship when the quiet, boring, ordinary times are still a joy to you. 

If the ‘high’ of being with Jesus has faded, don’t fade with it! Stay firm in what you know to be true, whatever you happen to be feeling at any given time. This is the type of real faith that will last through thick and thin. 


A Costly Change


A Work of God