A Mutual Trust

Let me read you another quote from Uncle Bud Robinson this morning. He says this: “I know of nothing that brings greater joy to my heart than to know that God will trust me as far as I trust Him. If I trust Him clear up to Heaven He will trust me clear down to earth. If I will trust Him all over Heaven He will trust me all over the earth. When we trust each other we rely on and confide in each other. How blessed the fellowship.”

This is a powerful thought. That the measure of trust that you have in God is reciprocated, in a sense. I wonder if you have ever thought about it in this way? That if you trust God with all you have, He will trust you and send you to do great things for him, and together you will not only enjoy a great relationship but achieve wonderful results.

Trust Brings Blessing

And this is not just a fancy idea that Uncle Bud dreamed up. This is biblical. You see, Jesus often spoke about this type of mutual trust between God and His people. On one occasion, he said this: “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches? And if you have not been trustworthy with someone else’s property, who will give you property of your own?” (Luke 16:10-12 NIV11) So for God, he looks for people who are trustworthy, even in matters of handling money and property, and it is to such people that he gives greater responsibility in His kingdom.

Jesus said something similar in the famous parable of the talents. He tells the story of a master who goes away and gives his servants bags of gold to keep safe. When he come back, he finds that the servant who had been given five bags of gold gained five more. And this is where we read the famous words, in Matthew 25:21, Jesus says “His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things.’”

Do you see the mutual trust here? God blesses us with responsibility, and trusts us to get on with it. We trust Him to help us to do what we do, and He trust us to do it. And the more faithful we are, the more blessed we are as we do more for Him and His kingdom.

Mutual Trust Flourishes

So the question, then, is this: are you trusting God up to heaven and all over heaven? Is your trust in Him so strong and so firm, that even when things have not gone as you planned, you weren’t shaken? Friends, with this sort of deep belief and trust in God, what a wonderful blessed relationship with Him you’ll have, and what wonderful work you’ll be able to do for God as you rely on Him with all confidence.

In fact there’s a special saying that those in the Emmaus and Chrysalis community know well. It says Christ is counting on me, and I am counting on Christ.

Live in this mutual trust today, and like Uncle Bud, enjoy a blessed fellowship with God as you do.


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