God's Promises Stand

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“As it says in John 10:10, “I came to bring life and life more abundantly.” And God does that. Absolutely! He has promised us eternal life. In John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son that we should not perish but have eternal life.” And God's love helps us through everything. And “in His strength, I can do all things” Philippians 4:13. It is from all these different verses and all my Bible teachings that I've had the strength to go on despite the circumstances.

Faith in Promises

As she shared her testimony in that video that I put out on Sunday night, Beppie shared a lot of Scripture. A lot of words that really have meant something to her, as you've heard in this little clip at the beginning of today's devotion.

It's clear as you spend time with Beppie that her faith is real, her belief in God's promises trumps her situation. And I think we can all learn from this! We all go through difficulties and have things thrown at us that we don't want to happen. Sure, not many of us lose our sight the way Beppie has. But you've got your struggles. I know you've got your problems. You've got a lot of issues in life. We all do.

I think Beppie's method of holding onto the promises of God from the Bible is very powerful. She spoke about that verse in Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength”, and how that and the verses about God's love just give her great hope. Let me ask you, what promises do you hold onto? Do you have some life verses, some powerful words from Scripture that whatever comes your way you just hold onto them?

Why don't you share your life verse with someone today? You can share it with me. That would be great. I'd love to hear it. But if you've got a verse that means something to you, share it with somebody today because it could make a difference just as hearing Beppie's life-verse today has given me something to think about.

Anchored in Scripture

And if you don't have one, choose one. Maybe choose one of these verses you've heard this morning and hold onto it no matter what comes your way. If you can hold onto the promises of God, memorize them and get to know them, then even when situations change and difficulties come your way, you will have something so solid to stand on.

God's Word is unchanging, it is solid, it is firm, and no matter what fierce storms come our way we can hold onto those Scriptures to give us hope, to keep us going.

If it's worked for Beppe and for countless other Christians over the years, it’s gonna work for you and for me too!


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