God Doesn't Always Heal

Since Beppie has lost her sight, she's often heard strange things from people, especially Christians, asking her about healing. And she was telling me some of the terrible things people have said to her, such as, “you obviously don't have enough faith, that's why you aren't healed”, and horrible things like that.

Gift of Helpers

But her perspective is different, and listen to what she says here in the video:

“In the Bible, Moses was a stutterer. He wasn't healed of his stutter. He was actually given Aaron to do his talking for him. And in that way, I have had so many people who've been able to read, and help me, and just help me through all of those conditions. And I really, really believe that God has sent each and every one of those helpers, so many - huge help, small help - along the way.”

Isn't that interesting? Instead of healing Moses of his physical difficulty, God sent somebody to help him instead. And God still does this today, he did it for Beppie. Instead of healing, he's simply provided help for her.

Healing is an amazing miracle, and God still affects physical healing in many people's lives in miraculous ways. But he doesn't always do it, and I believe that that's because healed relationships are more important than healed bodies.

The goal of God’s transformation is not to make everybody physically healthy, because of course, everybody dies. Far more powerful is when two people bond over their love for God, and share the love of God with each other in meaningful ways.

Embracing Divine Connections

Beppie spoke about Mike Endicott, who is a minister who also has a big healing ministry, although he is blind. And he's spoken very much about the same thing - people saying to him, “why do you not have enough faith to be healed?” And interestingly, he doesn't want to be healed anymore, because he believes he can do more good work in people's lives as a blind man than if he were to be healed. He has got a stronger witness for Christ, connecting with people even with those struggles, rather than having them healed so he gladly accepts it.

Again, think about the helpers in your life, just as Aaron was there to help Moses. God has blessed people in your life to help you, sometimes, instead of healing you.

Are you able to give thanks today for the people that he has connected you with, and to love them and receive their love instead of demanding God to heal? True peace will come to us, friends, not when God heals all of our imperfections, but when we are able to help others and accept help from those who God sends our way.


God's Promises Stand


God Sends Helpers