Daily Devotions
Read or listen to Luke's daily devos below.
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Note: we are in the process of formatting Luke’s 5 years’ worth of daily devotions into this format. More and more of the previous episodes will be added each week until we are up to date!
Pain With a Purpose
Kim Phuc's journey through chronic pain reveals how God provides daily remedies and uses our suffering for greater purposes. Let her story inspire you to seek God's presence even more earnestly than relief from your struggles.
Love and Scars
Kim Phuc's touching love story reveals how true love, like Christ's, sees beyond our scars to embrace us completely. Let this truth sink deep into your heart today: Jesus sees, understands, and loves you despite your wounds.
Moment By Moment
Through constant physical pain, Kim Phuc discovered that contentment comes from choosing God in every moment and saturating herself in Scripture. Today, ask God to teach you the secret of finding peace despite your circumstances.
The Leper Believed
Jesus stands ready to transform any heart that truly believes in His power to change them. Do you believe that He can make you clean?
Yet… Not My Will, But Yours
We all have our wants and desires, but the deep Christian says “yet… not my will, but Yours be done Lord”, as Jesus did the night He was arrested
The Church as Healing Agents
The last chapter of the Bible pictures healing being offered to the nations by God’s people. Let’s be agents of healing today.
The Church Door
The only way to healing and victory is to open the door of your heart and let Jesus in. Rev. Derek Wilson’s final words from his 2008 Easter sermon invite us to receive this.
The Glass Door
Rev Derek Wilson’s Easter sermon from 2008 shows us that we don’t need to hide behind a mirror, reflecting a false identity to others, but the power of Jesus helps us to step out in faith and be healed and made new.
The Vault Door
Rev. Derek Wilson shows us that the power that raised Jesus from the dead can break open the doors behind which we lock away our fears, our failures, our problems.
God Doesn't Always Heal
Beppie wasn't healed of her blindness, but rather she was provided helpers to assist her. God often holds back from healing, choosing instead to give us helpful relationships in our lives.
Jesus healing
Jesus was a healer. But even those he healed physically died eventually. The only lasting healing he gives is healing of the soul!
Ignoring Satan's Whispers
Pastor Duma encountered whispers of doubt from the enemy before he prayed with people. He had to stand against those whispers and stand on the Word of God. Is Satan trying to trip you up today? Stand firm in the Word of God!
The Church
The Church of the Nazarene emphasizes the importance of Christian community through its sacraments of baptism and the Lord's Supper, while maintaining a balanced view of divine healing through both faith and medicine. Find a local church family today where you can experience these means of grace and grow together with fellow believers
Taking Him at His Word
As a friend of mine says, "if God says it, believe it, it's done!" The family of Jesus laughed at Jesus' words, but then they found it He had been telling the truth. Stake your life on the words of Jesus - it's the best way to live.
Stating our Faith in Him
Instead of asking "if" Jesus could heal his daughter, Jairus simply states his trust in Jesus and leaves the rest to him. What a great pattern for prayer.
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What People Are Saying
In this podcast Luke consistently shares practical, substantive God-infused biblical truths and teachings. A great ministry and podcast!
Thomas W - Apple Podcasts
We look forward to the devotion each morning. They are so relevant for today! Short and to the point giving us important insights to ponder on. The music just laces the message and is most uplifting!
The Tuckers - WhatsApp
Inspirational and practical Bible-based daily devotions. It's a great way to start my day.
Maria - WhatsApp
I find the daily devotions uplifting, meaningful and inspirational. The Holy Spirit has inspired Luke to share words of encouragement and upliftment, reminding me of God's love, purpose and strength.
Cedric - WhatsApp
I am 84 years old and because I don't drive at night I have found the daily devotions of great benefit to me. Often people my age are visually impaired so the vocal message is very beneficial to them.
Colin - WhatsApp
I have received much daily encouragement from your devotions.
Edwina - WhatsApp
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