Ignoring Satan's Whispers

Ignoring Satan's Whispers

Well, William Duma became a great servant of God, a pastor in the Baptist Church, and he had an amazing healing ministry. One of the things that he had to learn was to not listen to the whispers of Satan. He talks about this early in the book, about how for years he'd been receiving letters asking him to go pray for a certain woman, and he couldn't get there. And then one day the taxi expenses for him to get there had been met and so off he went, thanking God for things falling into place.

And then he says this: “Mr. Devil tried to interfere. Don't be a fool, Duma. You'll go all that way and the woman won't be healed. Your congregation will hear of it. What a scandal it will cause for God. You'll never be able to pray for the sick again.”

Defiant Faith Victory

And he said he had to come against him and say, “Satan, if you talk like this, obviously this is a big deal that's going to bring lots of glory to God.” And so off he went to this house where a woman was crying in pain, her hands and arms full of open sores. And he spent time praying with this family.

And then he says the devil suggested “I told you what a fool you were to come here. You're going to contract this infection. The woman's disease will fasten on you.” And Duma says “‘In the name of Jesus be gone,’ I countered.” He finished cleansing her wounds and praying for her, offered a short prayer and then left. A few hours later the lady came running out of the room, completely healed. And so thank God that he didn't listen to the words of the enemy trying to cause him to doubt.

In fact, this happened again and again in his life. He tells another story of a time when he was about to pray for a child. And the devil said to him, “how can you change God's will? You're faced with the impossible.” And he said the Holy Spirit countered: “God allows you to glorify the name of Christ.” But the enemy retorted “You know, this child is doomed. It's destiny. It's fate.” And Duma said this: “I listened until he nearly converted me to complete doubt. But then a sweet voice broke through with the strong words I am the Lord that healeth. Take that promise. And as I leaned hard toward the promise of God came the overwhelming assurance. Now the Lord will heal through the man.” And of course, again it happened. He prayed, and the little one was healed.

Stand in Faith

Maybe you don't have a healing ministry like him, but what areas of your life does the devil try to knock you down to make you doubt? Does he try to make you doubt the power of God?

Maybe there are areas in your life where you just aren't trusting God and the enemy's just throwing up one more doubt off to the next. Maybe we need to take a stand like Duma did. Remember and trust that God is who he said he was in the word. Fasten yourself onto those promises and walk forward in faith.

Oh friends, don't listen to the enemy's whispers today. Listen to the words of Jesus in the Scripture. And find victory as you move forward.


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