Power and Pride

Power and Pride

With such a powerful ministry there was great temptation for William Duma to be filled with pride. And at one point, during a time of prayer, he had such a powerful, supernatural encounter with God. The people around, as he was praying, all drew aside from him and stood against a wall as they saw this man far removed from them in spirit. They said it was like he was transcended to another world, and he was used in an amazing way during that time to do some more healing.

And when it was all done, Pastor Duma said this on page 42 of the book. “After this, God visited me and said, Duma, my servant, you must sit down in the dust for the rest of your life. That which you have seen and heard was granted to you because of your great faith and humble spirit. Beware of pride, watch and pray, lest Satan destroy you with its poison.”

Humble Spirit Strength

And so he said “In my prayer, I offered him loving thanksgiving that my spirit had returned to my body to know once again who I was, to say, who am I that the Lord should reveal so great things to me?”

The spirit of humility is so vital for us as people of God. And as I said, especially for people who have very strong ministries, there can be a great temptation to feel proud of yourself because of that. After such an amazing experience, he could have gone that way, but thank God that he was reminded by the Holy Spirit to be humble, to fight against pride, to kill it, and to watch and pray so that Satan didn't tempt him.

Humble Christian Walk

Maybe today we need to take stock for a second and ask ourselves, are we full of pride because of our own accomplishments or because of what we've been doing in our lives?

Friends, a spirit of humility is what being a Christian is all about. Jesus too, though he had great power from God and though he was God in the flesh, was humble. And true holiness is always humble. It's never proud.

If a man like Duma, who had such power from God in his hands, could stay humble by watching and praying against pride, come let us do the same in our lives, because God is the one who does wonders. We are simply vessels for him.

Be humble today, friends, and every day.


Fishers of Men with Empty Nets


Ignoring Satan's Whispers