The Church as Healing Agents

The New Jerusalem - The Church as Healing Agents

One more picture of the church from Revelation, as Kenneth Gentry outlines in his book The Book of Revelation Made Easy. It’s a picture of the church as a healer agent, and we go into the first few verses of chapter 22 to see this. John writes about a river coming from the throne of God and down the middle of the city, and “On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations. No longer will there be any curse.” (Revelation 22:2-3 NIV11)

Agents of Healing

The trees on the banks of the river have leaves which are for the healing of the nations, John says, and by the way he is quoting from Ezekiel 47 when he says this. Now, if this is only way off in the future when the world has been demolished and there’s only this new city of God, which nations is John speaking of? And why do they need healing? Again, while I do believe that this is a picture of the final fulfillment of all things at the end, I am certain that John shared these pictures as a way for the church of his day, and the church of any day, to understand their role in the world more clearly.

And so here we see that the people of God are to offer the healing of Jesus to the world. We are to be agents of healing ourselves, by pointing people to the One who is the healer of the nations. Ultimately, of course, the end will come and the curse of sin and death taken off the earth. But meantime we proclaim that in Jesus, the curse of sin is broken in our lives, and we can be freed from sin’s power and freed from shame as we embrace the love of Jesus.

The church is meant to be a healing institution. Perhaps you’ve heard it said that churches are not museums for saints, they are hospitals for sinners. Think about that for a second. The point of church is not to show off how holy you are. It’s to nurse spiritually sick people back to health in Jesus’ name. And so when you have received your healing, you stay so that you can help nurse the others to health.

Remember, Jesus was a healer. His goal was to provide restoration for people – not just physically, because in the end all physical healing is temporary and we will all die in our bodies, but spiritually and emotionally too. Christ set people free from their inner sickness. He healed their souls. And we as His people, His followers, His hands and feet in the world, need to offer that same healing.

Healing Through Prayer

How can we be agents of healing? Prayer is the main way. In prayer, much healing may be found – and I’m talking about deeper prayer than just a few words here and there. I’m talking about deep intercessory prayer in which we pray consistent and powerful prayers for and with those who need healing, specifically guiding them through moments of connecting with God and receiving what He has to offer.

If you are broken and sick in your soul today, find people of God who will pray for you and with you. Find the church of Jesus Christ which will come alongside you in your struggle and help you however they can. It will be slow going. It will take much discipline and consistency from your side, and much prayerful patience from their side. But healing is possible when the people of God treat each other with compassion, and pray together with faith.

I encourage you to read Kenneth Gentry’s book The Book of Revelation Made Easy – it cleared up a lot for me and helped me to understand this fascinating book.

In the meantime, go into the world as the bride of Christ and shine His light, know your value, know your security in Him, influence and heal the world in His name.

Have a blessed weekend!


Reflecting on Scripture


The Church as Influential