The Leper Believed

In the last few days we’ve seen a leprous man in Luke 5 see Jesus, fall at his feet, and beg for his help. But notice today, how the leper believed. We read his own words: "Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean." (v12)

I love this sentence. He didn't say: “If you are willing, please make me clean.” It wasn't a request. It was a statement of faith. "I believe that if You are willing, You can make me clean!"

Jesus is Willing

And of course, Jesus is willing, oh so willing, to take a leprous heart and make it white as snow. Verse 13 says: "Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. 'I am willing,' He said. 'Be clean!' And immediately the leprosy left him."

Immediately his leprosy left him.

Jesus stands in front of you today friends and says "I am willing." "I am willing to cleanse you" if you will believe!

Bring Your Leprosy

Are you sick of the leprosy that keeps staining your spiritual life? Hear me: if you will go to Jesus with your leprosy and say "You can make me clean," He is able to wash you clean, and keep you from contaminating yourself again.

What 'leprosy' do you need to bring to God today friends? Maybe for you it is pride. Maybe it is a sense of superiority. Maybe you're a racist. Maybe you're nasty to people. Impatient. Intolerant. Maybe you're bitter and unforgiving towards somebody. Maybe it's sexual sin – pornography, sex before marriage, adultery. Maybe it's bad language. Maybe it's gossiping. Maybe it's overeating, or not exercising—being a bad steward of your body. Maybe it's dishonesty. Half-truths you always speak. Maybe it's just an indifference to God—you just keep putting yourself first and never really spending time with Him.

When you try to cleanse yourself of these things you get nowhere. Remember what we read earlier this week - "Can an Ethiopian change his skin or a leopard its spots? Neither can you do good who are accustomed to doing evil." (Jeremiah 13:23)

Believe in His Power

Try to change yourself with willpower and self-strength you might be able to clean yourself up a little, but your heart will never change.

No, there is only One who can change you deep down. His name is Jesus. He leaned in and touched that leper and he was cleansed! He is wanting to lean in and cleanse you today friends. He is wanting to forgive you for embracing this leprosy and remove it from your life. Purify you.

And let me tell you this: He is able! He is able to take you and make you brand new! He is able to keep you in His love and cleanse away your sins!

See Him in this moment. He is here and ready. Fall to the ground in front of Him, because you see how perfectly pure He is, and how you need Him. Beg with all your heart—if you come half-hearted you will miss out. Plead with Him because you know how much you need this. And believe. That is the crux - believe that He is able to forgive you, and cleanse you, and give you new power to walk in holiness.

Jesus changes lives. Will you embrace His change yours today?


Pray for the Godless


The Leper Begged