Daily Devotions
Read or listen to Luke's daily devos below.
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Note: we are in the process of formatting Luke’s 5 years’ worth of daily devotions into this format. More and more of the previous episodes will be added each week until we are up to date!
False Helpers
Jesus had stern words for those who were knowledgeable but had no compassion or love. Yes, we should know His Word, but it’s more important that we serve and help people with His love.
Not Recognizing Him
Christmas invites us to look beyond appearances to recognize our King in unexpected places. Where might you be missing Jesus today?
Love Always Perseveres
One last story from Brian's book, about getting down on the floor to love those who need it most.
Love is Kind
Brian Helsby’s mentors meant so much to him. Our world needs Christian mentors more than ever. Be one today!
Job Didn’t Mistreat People
Job was ahead of his time – treating people who were socially lower than him with great respect. How do you treat people?
Servants Do the Work of the Master
As a servant of God the Father, Jesus came to serve people. We too serve God by serving God’s people in every way.
Do Not Plot Harm
In a world that doesn’t care about harming others in order to gain, let us remember the golden rule – do to others as you would have done to you.
Do Not Withhold Good
We all have opportunities to do good to others. Let us faithfully do what we can, and not let such opportunities pass us by.
Be Kind and Self-Controlled
Some people lose confidence in Christ’s return, and begin to live godless lives without any fear of the consequences. But Jesus warns them that when he comes back and finds them living this way, they will sadly regret it.
Jesus Speed - Eugenio Duarte
Dr. Eugenio Duarte inspired us to live at Jesus speed - slow enough to tend to the needs of others, but not too slow that we don't go where he sends!
Be Patient With Everyone
In 1 Thessalonians 5:14, Paul advises being patient with everyone as part of doing good. This patience is crucial even when dealing with frustrating situations or confronting others, but it doesn't mean enabling laziness. Patience may be challenging, but its rewards are sweet. The message is to strive to emulate Jesus' patience and approach interactions with grace and patience.
Help the Weak
In 1 Thessalonians 5:14, Paul emphasizes the importance of helping those in need within the Christian community. This includes warning the idle, encouraging the disheartened, and assisting the weak. The message encourages believers to actively support others who may be struggling due to illness, age, hardships, or other challenges. It calls on individuals to take practical actions like providing clothing, food, companionship, or prayer to uplift those in need. The central idea is to be proactive in helping others and to remember that even if one feels weak themselves, they can still make a difference through prayer and support for others. Ultimately, the message encourages Christians not to be passive but to actively extend help and kindness to those in their community.
Joseph teaches us that kindness matters even in our darkest moments. Look around today and reach out to someone who seems down – your simple acknowledgment might be exactly what they need.
Don't Despise Even One
Jesus challenges us to love all His children without despising any - even those who have hurt us. Today, release your bitterness to God and choose His way of radical love.
Acts of Kindness
Uncle Howard spent many hours tending to a young boy on crutches named Debonair. Years later, Debonair wrote to Howard to tell him what an impact this had on his life. What small act of kindness could you do today? It might just change someone's life.
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What People Are Saying
In this podcast Luke consistently shares practical, substantive God-infused biblical truths and teachings. A great ministry and podcast!
Thomas W - Apple Podcasts
We look forward to the devotion each morning. They are so relevant for today! Short and to the point giving us important insights to ponder on. The music just laces the message and is most uplifting!
The Tuckers - WhatsApp
Inspirational and practical Bible-based daily devotions. It's a great way to start my day.
Maria - WhatsApp
I find the daily devotions uplifting, meaningful and inspirational. The Holy Spirit has inspired Luke to share words of encouragement and upliftment, reminding me of God's love, purpose and strength.
Cedric - WhatsApp
I am 84 years old and because I don't drive at night I have found the daily devotions of great benefit to me. Often people my age are visually impaired so the vocal message is very beneficial to them.
Colin - WhatsApp
I have received much daily encouragement from your devotions.
Edwina - WhatsApp
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