Be Kind and Self-Controlled

As we continue talking about Jesus’ return, which may happen soon or may still take many years, we’ve learned that we must be ready and working when that day comes. But some people have lost hope of this completely. Jesus’ own words seem to indicate that it was going to happen very soon after he ascended, and so even the early church thought it would be any minute, and it didn’t happen. They got quite despondent and so quite a lot of the New Testament is dedicated to encouraging the early church to remain patient and hopeful.

Jesus himself actually mentioned that some would give up waiting and start doing ungodly things. He said it right here in this passage we’ve been reading, in verses 45-46 where we read: “But suppose the servant says to himself, ‘My master is taking a long time in coming,’ and he then begins to beat the other servants, both men and women, and to eat and drink and get drunk. The master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he is not aware of. He will cut him to pieces and assign him a place with the unbelievers.” (Luke 12:45–46 NIV11)

Warning Against Complacency: Staying Clothed in Holiness

This is another part of the Gospel we tend to ignore. It’s much easier to read Jesus’ soft and tender words, and leave out the harsh ones.

But his harsh words are essential to hear! Because they contain much needed warning to us, when we drift off in our faith and start to dabble in sin again. Remember, Jesus said that we should be dressed and ready for him to come, clothed in holiness and living for Him passionately. But here he warns that some will start to doubt his coming and so will, in a sense, remove that garment of holiness and put the stained clothing of sin back on.

I wonder if you have done this? I know I have at times. I think – ah, I can just sin and God will forgive me after. What a terrible mistake. What if Jesus came back in the middle of it all? What excuse would I try to make? Looking back at my life I think to myself, thank You Lord that you didn’t come back then, when I drifted.

Not that I beat anybody up or got drunk, by the way – but these are pictures of the types of sin Jesus warns against. We can start treating people cruelly, instead of treating them with the love of Jesus and with patience and mercy. We can start losing our self-control and indulging far too much in things that please our bodies and senses but dishonour God. But oh friends, let us not fall into this trap! Jesus is coming back at a moment we won’t expect him, so let us remain faithful, wise, kind, and self-controlled at all times.

Grace's Call: Embracing Holiness as Witness to God's Love

This is tricky, I know, because when we talk this way we can often start to think it is our being good and moral that makes us right with God. Let’s remember that this is not the case – He saved us by grace alone. But friends, we are called to live good and holy lives because He has saved and loved us. It is our witness to His work in our lives!

Don’t be found being cruel or selfish when he comes again friends. You will regret it. But you will be glad if you kept that garment of holiness on.


Be Aware


Be Faithful and Wise