Stating our Faith in Him

And so Jairus kneels before Jesus when he comes into His presence. And then he goes on and says this in the next part of verse 18: "My daughter has just died, but come and put your hand on her and she will live."

The Power of Unwavering Faith

Now I thought this was interesting. He didn't come asking. and saying, "Lord, if it's Your will, please come and heal her." He simply stated His faith outright. "Come and put Your hand on her and she will live." That is a remarkable statement of faith, don't you think?

Some of the times I think our prayers are laced with doubt instead of being bold prayers of faith. In fact, Jesus' brother James wrote this in his letter to the church, James 1:6: "When you ask, you must believe and not doubt because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord."

So if you come to God with a request and you don't believe that He's going to do anything about it, you may as well not even ask! Jairus came and had such faith he didn't even ask. He just stated Jesus' competence and left the rest up to Him.

A Pattern for Bold Prayer

Maybe this is a pattern of prayer you and I can adopt in our lives today or maybe every day. Maybe we need to come to Jesus with faith and say, “Lord, I believe You can do it”. And leave the rest up to Him.

Maybe some of you are sick and you need to pray, “Lord, I believe You can heal me. Come and put Your hand on me and I will be fine”, and then just rest in your faith that He will do that in whatever way He sees to be right.

Maybe some of you have other needs in your life and you've been begging God to help you. Maybe you need to change the order of your prayer. Instead of saying, "Please Lord, let it happen," say, "Put Your hand on the situation, Lord, and it will be right. I entrust it to You."

Jairus didn't need to plead. All he needed was to state his faith, and Jesus took care of the rest. How about you and I? Let's do the same.


Accompanied by Him


Kneeling Before Him