Lights Symbols of Christmas - Lights

One of my memories of Christmas time as a kid was driving down our local town Main Street and seeing the lights! There were beautiful lights that were thrilling to see as a child. And then we'd go into Boksburg Lake and it was all very festive and the lights were just so exciting.

Shine Like Stars

They stopped doing that a while back, but certain people in their homes still do it. And I remember again, just a few years ago, walking around one of the local villages here, looking at people's Christmas lights. It was always exciting.

Christmas lights are a big part of the Christmas feeling and the Christmas tradition in our time. They shine bright for all to see so that everybody knows here we celebrate Christmas.

And you know, light is a very prominent theme in the Bible. Light is often used to describe goodness, compared to the darkness of evil. You know what? Our lives are supposed to shine like lights so that all who see us will know that we are people of God.

In fact, listen to Paul's words in Philippians 2:14-16. He said, “Do everything without grumbling or arguing so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation. Then,” he says, “you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life.” Isn't that profound? We are light bearers.

Brightest Christmas Light

You see, Jesus is the light of the world, and when he comes into our lives, he brings light into our otherwise dark hearts. And when we start to bear his light, we shine brightly. We shine brightly like stars in the sky.

Christmas lights should not be the brightest lights this Christmas season, but the light of love and holiness in the lives of God's people should shine brighter than all of them. May it be so in your life and in mine this Christmas.



