Lights Symbols of Christmas - Spending

I read a stat early in the year that on Black Friday, FNB customers spent 3 billion Rand. How crazy is that? Everybody wanted to buy something because of the great specials. And there's nothing wrong with capitalizing on a good deal to get something that you need. I just hope that none of you put yourself into debt or anything by buying what you couldn't afford.

Spending for God

But Christmas is a time of much spending. At Christmas time, the shops are nuts, as you know, because not only do people go to buy things for everybody else, but also they've probably received a bonus and are looking forward to going and spending that. It's probably one of the most lucrative seasons in the year for most companies, for most shops, because people are spending in December.

But I want to remind us of two things as we think of a spending season like Christmas. The 1st is this: Are we going to spend our money on the work of God, supporting local churches firstly and also giving where there is need in this world? We need to be able to do both. It's a great calling in the life of a person of God to spend the blessings you've been given on others, not just yourself. In fact, in 1 Corinthians 16, Paul talks to the people about the collection that they are going to do for God's people. And so he tells them he's going to arrive and he's going to get the money that they've collected so that he can spread it and use it in the work of God in that area.

And you know, our churches need our support as well - not to make the ministers rich, not at all, if that's what's going on with your church, then you need to think carefully about if that's right. Of course, the church does help the ministers to earn a living and to put food on the table for their families, so that is important. But more than this, the church needs to be equipped to do the work of God out in the world, and it takes money to do that. And so give, spend what you've earned on the good work of God this Christmas.

Invest in Eternity

But here's another thought about this word spending. Are you now going to be spent on the work of God? That means we give our time and energy as well as money to the work of God.

You know, the early Christians were spent in doing what God wanted them to do. They gave their all so that the gospel of Jesus could be spread. Remember, that's what Christmas is about. It's about saying “here is a Saviour, a Saviour!” Are we going to spend ourselves on that? Spend our time and our talents and our energy in bringing that message to the world?

Yes, Christmas time should be a time of much spending. But spending for the work of God, because in the end, friends, that's the most important thing we can invest in.



