DOING Good Works

In the past weeks we’ve reflected on how we can trust God for a year of more grace – prevenient, justifying and sanctifying grace; and how we can pursue a year of more growth – getting uncomfortable so that we may grow in our faith. And I pray that we will also commit to a year of more good works in 2025.

Grace and Growth

There’s a famous quote attributed to John Wesley, although some disagree on whether or not he actually said it. The quote goes like this:

“Do all the good you can,
  by all the means you can,
   in all the ways you can,
    in all the places you can,
     at all the times you can,
      to all the people you can,
       as long as ever you can.”

It’s a great quote! Because in the end, doing good is the call of every Christian.

The church is often accused of being all talk and no action. I mean, we talk about Christian living all the time don’t we? Sermons each week, Bible studies, daily devotions, podcasts, YouTube videos – there is so much information which talks of living the Christian life. But are we really it? doing Or are we all talk and no action?

Faith in Action

My friend Rich wrote a beautiful song about this called A Picture of Your Love. Listen to his words:

It was only when I reached out with Your love
To dry a tear of sorrow, and to help the sick and poor
It was only when I reached out with Your love
That the picture of Your love became clear to all

We can talk and sing and preach about God, but it’s only when we do good that the picture of His love really begins to take shape.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be an “all-talk” Christian, who talks a big game but does nothing. I’d rather say less, but actually do some good in the world.

Living God's Love

In fact John wrote these words to the early Christians in 1 John 3:18 – “Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.”

God calls us to more. He has blessed us with more grace, and enable more growth in our lives, that we may do more good works in His name.

May this be the year that we stop talking and start doing good!


CREATED for Good Works


Getting Uncomfortable