God My Salvation

A God for Year End - God My Salvation

Let's go to Psalm 18:16-17 today, where David writes, “He reached down from on high and took hold of me. He drew me out of deep waters. He rescued me from my powerful enemy, from my foes who were too strong for me.”

I wonder if you can relate to this? God, at some point in your life, reaching down and saving you from your strong enemies. Think of the battles that you've gotten through. Go back in your memory for a little while today and think about the hard times that God has seen you through and helped you to overcome.

Can you see the way that he reached down, took hold of you and drew you out of the deep waters before you drowned? Can you see how he rescued you from your powerful enemies who were too strong? Praise God for the work that he does in our lives, even if we only can see how he did it in hindsight.

Rescue Through Grace

But let's remember today that ultimately God's saving grace is this: He reached down and saved us from the deep waters of our sins and from our enemy’s sinful hold over our lives. He rescued us by dying on the cross and defeating death and defeating the power of sin, so that we who place our faith in him are drawn out from the deep water and the clutches of the enemy into lives of forgiveness and holiness.

Have you experienced God's salvation in this way? Do you know God to be a saving God, saving you from the punishment you deserve and the clutches of the enemy?

God's Salvation Wins

One of my favorite songs of late is a song that says “the Lord is my salvation” and it says “my debt is paid and the victory won! The Lord is my salvation.” Beautiful song. And I hope that that knowledge that God is your salvation will encourage you greatly today.

Ultimately, that's what matters most, is that God has saved us through Christ in this way. Praise God for it today, and worship him because of his amazing grace, which saved even wretches like us.


God My Integrity


God My Power