God My Strength

A God for Year End - God My Strength

As we get into the end of November, the beginning of December, at least here in South Africa, people are tired. It's been a long year of much suffering and hardship for many of us, and I know at this time people start to feel weak and start to struggle.

And so I thought this week we could look at Psalm 18. It's a beautiful Psalm of David, which he sang when God had delivered him from his enemies. And there are some descriptions of God here that I think are very powerful for us. And I hope as we get to this last stretch of the year, these descriptions will just give us something to hold on to and help us at a time when we need it most.

God is Strength

The first two verses are filled with great illustrations of God's strength. “I love you, Lord, my strength.” David starts the Psalm saying “my strength. The Lord is my rock,” he says, “my fortress and my deliverer.” He says again, “My God is my rock in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. “

What a wonderful selection of phrases to describe who God is in David's life. And I want to encourage us today to also say these words in prayer every day, and in fact throughout the day. 

“I love you, Lord, my strength, my strength. God is my strength.” We need strength, don't we? To get to the end of the year after a difficult time. Will you call on God to be your rock, solid and unflinching, your fortress, your deliverer, your stronghold, your strength?

A father was watching through the kitchen window as his small son attempted to lift a big stone out of his sandbox. But the boy couldn't do it. He just couldn't get the rock over the side of the box and finally he gave up, sat on the edge of the sandbox with his head in his hands. The father opened the door and came out and said, what's wrong, son? Can't you lift that rock? The boy said no, I just can't do it. The father said have you used all the strength that's available to you? The boy said yes sir, I have. The father said no, you haven't. You haven't asked me to help you.

Seek His Strength

And I wonder if God looking at us this year has been watching us just trying to lift burdens that we can't. And maybe he's saying to you and I today, have you used all the strength that's available to you, not just your own strength, but the strength that the Father gives?

He's willing today to come and help you out and give you strength when you don't have any left. Call on him. Believe in him. Stand in the faith that he has given you strength.

And I believe that, like David, you'll be able to say, “I love you, Lord, my strength.”


God My Help


A Lack of Courage